History of The Throne of Songstone

Years of the Waterfalls

... 43088

When the earth was young and lit only by the waters which flowed over it.

  • First Year of the Years of the Waterfalls
    Creation of the World
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the beginning, the creators formed the earth, and in this world they created many rivers and oceans which gleamed with light, which would go on to be called Light-water.

  • 1 YW
    Awakening of Humanity
    Population Migration / Travel

    At the will of the creators, the race of Humanity was awoken to bask in the light of the world.

  • 36000 YW
    The Capturing of the Light
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Needless Creator stole the Lightwater, and hid it deep within the earth, to form a creation of his own.

  • 37000 YW
    The First Stone-Song
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The creators awake the Dwarves to sing to the stones which hid the Light Water and reveal the light to the world.

  • 37080 YW
    The Light Vase
    Technological achievement

    The Needless Creator creates a vase which can hold the light of water within it, preventing the light from escaping into the world.

  • 37088 YW
    Drinking of the Light
    Life, Identity

    Unbeknownst to the Needless Creator, the humans use the Light Vase to drink the light, and form an enhanced form of humanity known as the Light-Veined. Humanity sails across the great Prismatic Sea and uses the vase to drink the light from the ocean until it shines no more. They reach the shores of an uninhabited lands, and reign like gods over the earth and animals there.

  • 43088 YW
    The Second Stone-Song

    With the light of the world dimming because of humanity drinking it, the dwarves are forced to sing a lament to the world, full of sorrow that the world was darkening once more. The creator gods heard their sorrowful song and took all the remaining light water and formed it into a great gemstone which contained a spot for all the glittering light of the world, and they put it in the sky, naming it The Songstone.

Years of the Songstone

YSo 1 - YSo 53886

The Years when the world was growing and lit only by the reflected light of the Songstone.

  • 1 YSo

    Sundering of Prisma
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Sensing the waning of their power because of the Songstone, some Light-veined wanted to crack the Songstone, and did so to limit the power that was stolen from them. Others accepted the waning as the will of the creator gods, and fled from those who would defy the gods with corrupted power.

  • 1 YSo

    300 YSo

    Conquering of the Songlands
    Military: War

    Fleeing from Prisma, the Light-Veined conquered the Songlands from the Dwarves. Some mingled peaceably with the dwarves, going onto to become dwarves themselves, or humans with no light in their blood. Other refused to mingle with Dwarves in belief that the creators had granted them their light and they should not squander it, for it was a gift given in exchange for humanity diminishing their long-lives. Thus humanity split into 2 groups, Humans and Light-Veins.

  • 800 YSo

    890 YSo

    Cult of Prisma
    Criminal Activity

    Eventually a cult of knowledge proclaimed to be able to create the light-water without the gods, and started influencing the people of the Songstone. This cult would bring many into a dark fold which the gods watched keenly to see their paths. It would end in the light-vein lords capturing the market on diamonds and preventing the cult from abusing the magic stored within each diamond to create light, as remants of the Songstone when it lifted into the sky.

  • 40890 YSo

    40895 YSo

    The War of Diamonds
    Military: War

    Tens of centuries later the relics of the Cult of Prisma would return in the aegis of great sorcerors who drew the magical power out of the light-veined. The realm of the Songstone settled this matter by crushing them with great armies adorned in jewels forged by the dwarves, a glittering raiment like an army of gods walking the earth.

  • 53895 YSo

    The War of Lights
    Era beginning/end

    Many centuries later, when peace was reigning, the Prismatics began to disrupt light across the world, and with a great host they crossed the Sleeping Sea and laid siege to the Songstone Kingdom, for hundreds of years the people of the Songstone were driven back, mercilessly fighting. Saved only by the great singing of the Dwarves.

  • 53896 YSo

    The Chisel of Song
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the Humans and Light-Veined refused to aid the Dwarves in the War of Lights, they were forced to sing a third great song and cracked the Songstone themselves, creating a mote of pure light within the sky that would burn those with too much light within them, and thus Prismatics were forced to retreat into the darkest bowels of the earth where no light could ever reach them.

Years of the Soul-Stone

YSL 0 and beyond

Year of the world where light was created by the Soulstone, and reflected into the Songstone during the new phenomena "Night" and "Day".

  • 0 YSL

    The Healing of The World
    Life, Birth

    After the Third Song of Stone, the Dwarves reclaimed their ancient crown jewels and forbid any Light-Veined from ever stepping foot in their halls. Some of the Light-Veined returned to their home to resume ruling their lands, but others left back across the Sleeping Sea to return to their original homeland now that the Prismatics were gone. These folk built a few great cities of unimagineable beauty by harnessing the vagrant lights which danced across the land of the Prismatics, they become known as the Light-Weavers, or Elves.   At the end of the war, the Dwarves dubbed this new era as the Age of the Soul-Stone (YSl), as the world no longer relied just on the Songstone.

  • 13000 YSL

    Return of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Later that the Light-Weaver which had made homes in Prisma, returned on great beautiful ships, and formed a few permanent settlements on the shores of the Songstone, to most folk of the Songstone Realm these Light-Weavers are being that are uniquely powerful and vibrant, seemingly gifted beyond the other races of the world.

  • 30000 YSL

    The Ascension of King Aeratil
    Political event

    A few hundred centuries after the Elves first returned to the Songlands, the current king Aeratil is coronated king and picks his council members to dutifully serve him on the Diamond Throne.