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Urban settlement that has developed around Cathedrani Keep.


Being the city near the Keep itself this is where most of the paler denizens live, and so 75-80% of the city is composed of these citizens. The rest are a combination of different demi-monster races and even some humanoid races with the demi monsters taking 15-20% and the rest of the humanoid races maybe 5-10% at any time.


Follows the government set in The Cathedrani Republic


The city is protected by its large walls that are much larger than any other city, having been built upon and improved on for hundreds of years to withstand attacks. The walls are also surrounded by stone watchtowers that keep an eye out on the surrounding area but also a few spread out contain large catapults or ballista for the more dangerous ones.

Industry & Trade

This is the main producer of both armaments and magical items for the entire empire. These are traded and sent out to the other cities for either food or clothing. Their main trade is with Salzinwvn mostly since most of the trade comes from there. However due to most denizens also being dexterous some have taken up making clothing themselves out of the silks and hides of monsters so this is a secondary trade here.


The city itself is right at the base of a hill at the bottom of the Keep. The city seeming to be built around the keep and with the districts built around it being the more residential ones while the industrial side being farther to keep up a standard of living.   A large wall protects the city from any outside forces trying to attack them with any surrounding districts here holding the military complexes.


The districts and what they contain are as follows:   Keep: This large black painted gothic styled keep lies on the side of the top of the hill. It houses the royal family and the council members that live in Cathedranis, before getting into the keep itself a gate leads from the road into a large flower with many roses, some black it seems too. A gazebo at the side near the fence.   Carstein Quarter: This area houses the most expensive of the housing in the city, hosting those that are able to afford it by either doing the hardest jobs or being a student as this also has the dorms. It also contains the educational areas for those same dorms and housings.   Rubrum Road: This area has some buildings that have been either built into the walls of the mountain or near them as they are meant to store equipment and ores coming from the mines in the mountains. The district then proceeds to transport those ores and goods to the Sanguine Ward where the smelters and smithys convert them into weapons.   Drakul Markets: This district is where alot of the commerce and trade of the city happens and is where you can locate alot of the markets, and this is also where alot of magical items are sold as well, as most vampires are magically attuned. These streets are usually bustling with most of the inhabitants out and about shopping in the town and those who are also out to make a name for themselves outside of town.     Colti Boulevard: This holds many of the housings for those that live in the city, they range mostly in medium to low built housing so most of the citizens that live in this city can be found here amongst the magelights.   Night Barrow: While this section of the city does carry some of the housing areas for the inhabitants, it also carries alot of the recreational activities and areas that those that live or visit here go to so that they can go and have fun or spend their time in. Its streets are very well lit and at night they tend to be bustling with people, its lights lit up very reminiscent of a medieval gothic new york.   Sanguine Ward: This area of the city is where the smelting, weapon and armor making is done. The ores that are taken from the mountains are usually transported here so that they can be converted into usable materials for the Kingdom. You can also find alot of the masons here who also work to make the stones and bricks meant either for this or the other cities in the Kingdom.   Gate of Tatyana: This area has been named as such for the great Queen that led her people through the perils of these lands. It holds the great red painted iron gates that lead into the road towards Templehof. These gates are a double set and are as high as the walls themselves so in order to be opened or closed they would need to be cranked. They are flanked by watchtowers that keep an eye on the road and forest. The outlying area also holds the barracks meant for housing alot of the guards in the city, as well as the Training Center for the Blood Knights and L'cie   Revan's Gate: This area has similar of not almost the same layout and design as the Gates of Tatyana except for the exceptions that for one: these gates are jet black and is a one that is lifted from the ground unlike the Gates of Tatyana. The other exception is that this area also hosts the training facilities of the Prime'Cie guards and of the Kurugari Knights military units.


This being the actual capital of the Republic, it holds most of the rarer and hard metals produced by the nearby mountains that surround the city. It also holds host to many magically made items as well as the training for the entire Republic's military that is then shipped out to the towns and outposts.

Guilds and Factions

As this is the center of the whole Republic, those that wish to be taken seriously have some sort of office here, all those that can be found in Salzinwvn have representation here.


This was the first ever city that was settled in the faction after the migrations of the families that were led by the Von Carstein family into the region. This city has definitely seen some hardships when it was first made as it was constantly under stress of being attacked by the creatures that lived in the area. However the natural defenses of the area made it a perfect area for a city to be built as the creatures here seem to only care for their own area rather than anything else.   As the city was built its inhabitants were becoming uneasy and wished to travel to other areas of the region to see if they can find better pastures however as wars passed the Cathedranians and the rest of the common denizens started to migrate back into the area and on the next year the expansion of this, at the time, small town grew.   The Lord and Lady at the time saw that the mountains may also be a good place for resources and began to lead efforts to dig into them, and due to this the great resources of the kingdom grew.


Those that come here are attracted by the sights of the Nightbarrow district and its forms of entertainments. Also by the attraction of locations that provide more for the Republic than any other, such as schools and research areas that have all been situated in the heart of the faction. Tourists that come here are also in a way also looking to move there if they are from the other towns as this is a very attractive location.


The city's buildings are mostly made of bricks and tile that are painted darker colors. The architecture is very reminiscence of a medieval Gothic city, where most buildings are about two stories tall and have spiked spires on them. The city itself has many cobblestone roads as well that are well lit at night by lamp poles that are are always being lit periodically by mage light. This gives the city a very vibrant night city type look. Think Castlevania Castle as a city.


The city itself is around a hill that is surrounded all but the north side by rivers.

Natural Resources

Due to its close proximity to the mountains the city has easy access to a large collection of rare and heavy metals. The forest does also lie nearby but the Cathedranians don't make use of it.
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Owning Organization

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