
The Akuun are one of the two main divisions of Centaurian culture. The name means 'one without faith', as the Akuun do not follow the religious strictures of the Circle of Life.

It is believed by anthropologists that the Centaurians originally divided their society this way in order to account for the increasingly strict rules of the Circle during the rise of religious puritanism. As the Circle's requirements became increasingly incompatible with regular life, the division was made. Originally, it is believed the relationship was similar to that of monastries and the communities that supported them in medieval europe. The Akuun used and developed technologies forbidden to their religious bretheren, including farming some of their food (rather than relying solely on hunting, as the Circle required) and trading with other planets. A portion of the food and resources they produced were given to the Circle followers to help sustain them.

However, over time the culture of the Circle shifted, and the Akuun came to be viewed not as an important part of the Circle's path, but as heretics. The Circle followers began to discriminate against the Akuun, denying them access to their ancestral hunting grounds and even going so far as to divert rivers away from Akuun settlements.

As a result, many Akuun began to leave Centauri IV in search of a better life elsewhere, although many found life in the wider galaxy was no easier than on Centauri IV.


Major language groups and dialects

The Akuun speak a dialect of Centaurian as their first language. They prize their language very highly, believing it to be a way of preserving their culture while in diaspora, and to cut an Akuun child off from their language (as sometimes happens to those born on planets where Centaurian are regularly enslaved, or those born to mixed-species couples) is considered a very serious crime, even if not done maliciously.

Common Dress code

On Centauri IV, the Akuun commonly wearing very little clothing, due to the tropical climate. Off world, they adapt to the taboos of the planet they are on, although they have a reputation as nudists on many planets.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Despite usually being atheists, the Akuun follow many traditions stemming from the Circle, including naming, marriage, coming of age, and funerary rituals, revering Yaka as sacred, cleansing homes before inhabiting them, etc.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Centaurian babies are capable for surviving outside the pouch for the short tiem after birth, and during this time the child will be passed over a specially prepared fire, with their name being spoken to them on each pass.

By the time the child leaves their father's pouch, they will be capable of walking a few steps, and this process is repeated, with the child jumping (with assistance) over the fire while their name is repeated once again.

Coming of Age Rites

On Centauri, a child is considered to have come of age when they complete their first solo hunt. They then prepare the meat for their community, as a sign that they are ready to take part in civic life and provide for a child. For children who are not able to hunt, due to disability, a carcass is provided for them by a friend or family member, and they are only required to prepare it.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The funerary customs of the Akuun are one of the areas where they differ most dramatically from the Circle followers, as they cremate their dead, and then bury the ashes. (The Circle requires that bodies be left out for wild animals to eat).


Gender Ideals

Being a good father is considered the most important quality for any male Akuun. While carrying a child, they are expected to give up hunting or other community responsibilities, and focus on raising their child. Personality traits associated with parenting, such as patience, are considered highly attractive. Physically, a large belly is considered very attractive.

Althetic and hunting skills are most prized among female Akuun, as it is a woman's responsibility to provide for the father of her child while the baby is growing. For this reason, tall and muscular women are considered the most attractive.

Encompassed species
Related Locations
See Also
Yondu Udonta