
Centauri-IV is an inhabited jungle planet, orbitting Beta Centauri, the second sun in the trinary Alpha Centauri system.

It is home to one native sapient species, the Centaurians, and the genetically modified sub-species, the Incentaurians.


The climate is tropical, with desert regions at the equator. The majority of the planet is temperate or tropical rainforest, although much of the native forests of the continent of Akuunos have been destroyed by logging or mining operations, leading to increasing desertification of the continent. Plysa forest is the only remaining significant forest area on the continent, and is closely guarded by the native tribes for this reason.

The northern part of Akuunos is mountainous, and is home to much of the planet's deposits of Yaka, with most mines centered on the city of Zatoa.

Other major cities include Xiara, home to much of the Incentaurian population, and the planet's primary space-port, Suutao.

The other continents have not been extensively explored or documented by non-Centaurians, due to being inhabited by the followers of the Circle of Life. Most Circle of Life tribes will kill non-Centaurians on sight, and many extend this to Akuun or Incentaurians as well, making exploration almost impossible.

Localized Phenomena

Centaurians have a natural psychic connection to their ecosystem and to one another, via their Tahlei. This connection is known as 'The Way', and is considered sacred by both the Circle of Life and the Akuun.

Natural Resources

Centauri-IV is the only known source of Yaka (Kree: Trillite), a psychically sensitive metal central to Centaurian religion and culture. Most famously, the metal is used to create Yaka Arrows. The primary Yaka mines are located in the city of Zatoa.


Due to the insular nature of the religious Centaurians, tourism is discouraged. However, many Centaurian good are sought after luxuries in other parts of universe, most famously kruna fruit, yaka, and Centaurian scrimshaw jewellery.

Milky Way
Alpha Centauri
Beta Centauri
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species
Former Residents
Yondu Udonta

Articles under Centauri-IV