
The Beyonders are a powerful extra-dimensional race who feed on the mystical energy released when a sapient being dies.

According to the only Beyonder ever known to have visited this dimension, most Beyonders sustain themselves by wiping out entire civilisations. However, that Beyonder caused the deaths of only a few heroes at a time, summoning groups of Chosen Heroes and forcing them to fight one another to the death. It is unknown if this meant they had to feed more often, if they were lying about other members of his race, or if Beyonders can sustain themselves on only a very few deaths, but most choose to consume more than they need to survive.

They are capable of travelling between dimensions, but only through existing dimensions tears or portals. The only known Beyonder to visit this dimension did so via a tear in reality created by Michael Korvac.

In order to use their full powers in a dimension, they require a Manifold, who acts as an anchor point for them.

Powers and Abilities

When anchored by a Manifold, Beyonders can become incorporeal at will. When in physical form, they are near-invulnerable. They possess the ability to create objects from nothing, as the Beyonder was able to create the colosseum on Battleworld just by willing it. They are capable of flying, creating force-fields, and teleportating themselves and others.

It is unknown how the Beyonder knew about the heroes they summoned to Battleworld - it is possible that Beyonders possess some degree of Telepathy or Precognition, although they were not able to detect the heroes plotting to escape.
Geographic Origin
Unknown parallel dimension

Articles under Beyonders