Chosen Heroes

The Chosen Heroes were a group of nine superheroes selected by the Beyonder and taken to Battleworld.

The group consisted of Captain America, Iron Man, Karnak, Red Guardian, White Fox, Sword Master, and Black Knight. Peter Parker was not intended to be one of the Chosen, but was pulled through Bucky Barnes's portal. The group was later joined by America Chavez , who the Beyonder trapped on Battleworld after she tried to kill him for his role in the deaths of her mothers.

The heroes were told that they had been selected because they had the potential to be Earth's mightiest hero. The Beyonder commanded them to battle, promising the victor a reward befitting on a true hero.

In reality, they had been selected for their emotional instability, complex histories with one another, or willingness to use lethal force. The Beyonder sustained themself with the life-force of other living beings, and they intended that the Chosen Heroes would kill one another, thus feeding the Beyonder.

In addition to the nine Chosen Heroes, they were lead to believe that Eden Fesi was the tenth chosen hero. In reality, he was the Manifold, a being used by Beyonders to anchor themselves to dimensions other than their own.

Nathan Garrett was killed on Battleworld, and Bucky Barnes chosen to leave this dimension in search of Steve Rogers, but the remaining heroes succeeded in defeating the Beyonder and returning to Earth.

Articles under Chosen Heroes