Black Swan

Princess Yabbat Ummon Turru (a.k.a. Black Swan)

Yabbat Ummon Turru was an adopted daughter of Thanos and the youngest member the Black Order.

She was killed during the Skrull Civil War.

Physical Description

Special abilities

She possessed the ability to fire energy blasts from her eyes. She also possessed Superhuman strength of unknown proportion. She once broke out of a cell capable of holding a herald of Galactus, by punching the wall until it cracked. She could fly and hover at will, and create force fields around herself and other individuals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yabbat Ummon Turru was the third sister of Crown Prince Dadingra of the Hidden City, home of the Library of Worlds, the Universe's greatest collection of secret knowledge.

Thanos came to believe the Library might contain information on the location of the Soul Stone. He attacked the Hidden City, slaughtering the royal family and the Black Swans, the keepers of the Library.

Turru, seeing the slaughter, concluded that Thanos must be Rebum Alal, the Great Destroyer, a prophesied figure in the religion of the Hidden City. Although only a child, she killed her brother, and pledged herself to Thanos. Charmed by her brutality, Thanos adopted her, making her one of his Black Order.

Unlke the other members of the Black Order, who had come into Thanos's service as teenagers or adults, Turru was the first of his children who Thanos had raised from a young age. She was allowed a greater degree of freedom than the other members of the Order, even retaining her original name (although she took the title of Black Swan for use with outsiders).

Although having no connection to the Skrull Empire, during the Skrull civil war she requested permission to join it as a combatant, with the goal of increasingly the bloodshed and loss of life. Although this was not his usual method of opperation, Thanos allowed her to go.

She allied herself with Gorath, one of the many planetary governors who tried to claim the Skrull throne after the death of Empress R'Kill at the hands of Galactus.

After achieving significant military success against their fellow Skrulls, Gorath's forces came up against the Kree Navy, under the command of General Zedroa. After massive loss of life on both sides, Turru was killed when her ship was destroyed.

The loss reportedly hit Thanos hard, and it is believed that his decision to abduct Gamora and Nebula as children was out of a desire to recreate the close bond he had shared with Turru.
Year of Death
1943 CE
Circumstances of Death
Killed in battle by the Kree Navy
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Author's Note
I have no idea why Black Swan was cut from the Black Order for the films - possibly they felt there were just too many of them, possibly she was just too OP, possibly (hopefully) they're intending to use her as a stand-alone villain at some point in the future - but I felt her exclusion gave me an interesting space to explain the difference between the Black Order, who are officially Thanos's adopted kids, and the Daughters of Thanos, who are the only ones of his kids he seems to share any degree of emotional connection with.

The history given here is partially taken from the comics - the Hidden City is canon, but Rabum Alal and Thanos are not the same person, and the involvement of a daughter of Thanos in the Skrull Civil War is canon, but it's Nebula rather than Black Swan. Everything else is my own invention.