Soul Stone <WIP>

One of six Infinity Stones that grant their users control over some aspect of the Universe.

Possessing the Soul Gem allows the wielder control over life and death, killing or ressurecting any living being, although in order to work the death or ressurection must be the deepest wish of the wielder's soul. It can also be used to trap a being's soul within the Gem, allowing the wielder to view and manipulate the person's deepest hopes, dreams, and fears. The Soul Gem is believed to possess some degree of sentience, and for this reason it is considered the most dangerous of the stones. Some believe the souls of those killed in order to obtain the Stone live on within the stone itself.

Following the death of Thanos, its location is known only to the Vision.



Little is known of the history of the Stone. It is the only one of the stones to have been cut into a gem, rather than remaining in its raw shape, although who or what would have the power to shape an Infinity Stone this way is unknown.

At some unknown point in history, the Stone was taken to Vormir, where a temple was constructed to house it.

The Hunt for the Infinity Stones

During his hunt for the stone, Thanos invaded the Hidden City but found that even the Library of Worlds contained nothing more than rumours and legends. According to a popular legend, the only being who knew its location was the Collector, but he had been unable to retrieve it as he lacked a soul.

Whether the Collector genuinely knew of its location is unknown, but its location was known to a handful of individuals. Gamora was able to learn of its location, and travelled to Vormir with her sister Nebula. They learnt that one could only obtain the stone by sacrificing the person one loved most. (It is unknown if this condition was a spell created by the builders of the temple, or a requirement of the Soul Stone itself). Nebula chose the sacrifice herself to allow Gamora to retrieve the stone, however Gamora's grief caused her psychic shields to drop, allowing Moondragon to read the location of the stone from her memories.

Thanos defeated his daughter in combat, and took the stone from her.

Infinity War

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Item type
Current Location
Subtype / Model
Each Stone is totally unique
Containment Device
Known Stonekeepers (in order of possession)
Unknown Vormir temple builders
Johann Schmidt (debated)