Deneb System

Deneb is a star system in the Milky Way, containing 37 planets, with a combined total of 93 moons. Four of the planets have indigenous life: Zenn-La, Deneb-IV, O'erlanii, and the pleasure planet of Deneb 7. Multiple other planets in the system are inhabitted, but they are colonies.

The system is home to Zenn-Lavians, A'askvarii, and the Deonists.

In the 2010s, the planet of Deneb-65 was taken over by the Universal Church of Truth, and renamed Sacrosanct, becoming the church's throneworld. This led to a brief religious war with the Zenn-Lavians, whose native religious is not welcoming of rival religious thought.

In 2016, the Church of the Universal Redeemer hired the Guardians of the Galaxy to battle the UTC, which drastically released the Church's power in the system.
Star System
Included Locations

Articles under Deneb System