
King Alveus (a.k.a. The Unspoken | Hive)

Alveus, known to HYDRA as Hive, and to the Attilanians as the Unspoken, was a parasitic Inhuman capable of possessing corpses and controlling other Inhumans through a hive mind.

He was one of the first Inhumans to be created by the Kree, and became the first King of the Inhumans, leading them in a rebellion against the Kree and eventually driving them from Earth.

However he proved to be a cruel and despotic leader, using his powers to build a cult of personality among the humans and suppress any dissent among his fellow Inhumans. Because his power of possession made killing him inpossible, his subjects banished him via the Kree Monolith to the barren planet of Maveth.

His cult continued to opperate in secrecy, looking for ways to bring him back to earth. While initially largely political, over time it morphed into a religious order, as Alveus's true identity was forgotten and his legends were rationalised as those of a god. Red Skull was a member of this cult, and used it as a primary recruiting ground for HYDRA . This eventually lead to the collapse of the cult at the end of World War II, though some surviving senior members of HYDRA remained believers.

When Gemma Simmons entered Maveth via the monolith, he was able to return to earth, possessing the corpse of HYDRA opperative Grant Ward. He formed an alliance with Gideon Mallick and by revealing his powers was able to wrest control of the American splinter group of HYDRA away from him.

Seeking to transform the Earth's population into Inhumans, Hive and his cult attempted to use Kree blood to recreate their original experiments which he had endured thousands of years earlier. When Hive's plans were challenged by the continued efforts of S.H.I.E.L.D , he attempted to complete his plan by detonating a warhead filled with Terrigen in Earth's atmosphere. However, he was defeated when Lincoln Campbell trapped himself and Hive inside of a Quinjet with the bomb, detonating it safely in space and killing both.
Date of Birth
5th Century BCE (approx)
Year of Birth
5000 BCE 7018 Years old