
The inhumans are a species of altered humans. They were created as the result of experiments on prehistoric humans by the Kree, who manipulated their genetic code using Primagen, creating the potential for them to acquire superhuman abilities through a process known as terrigenesis.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Attilanian Inhumans use a forname and family name, while NuHumans either adopt new single word names upon undergoing terrigenesis, similar to a superhero codename, or retain their original human name.

Major Organizations

New Attilan is the largest inhuman settlement, and is home to an estimated 20% of all inhumans on Earth.


In around 3,000 BCE, mysterious alien objects, which came to be known as Skyspears, landed on five planets. A rogue faction of Kree dispatched scientists to study the items, with orders to report any possibly avenues for weaponisation.

The science teams found that all the objects contained an unknown mineral, which they named Primagen. Prolongued exposure to the Primagen caused mutation in their test subjects. They attempted to weaponise this mutagenic quality by creating super-soldiers for use in the war against the Skrull. 

The team on Earth began genetically engineering humans to be more receptive to the mutations, as well as developing a more diluted form of Primagen, in order to conserve their very limited supply. This diluted Primagen was named Terrigen, and the process by which test subjects were mutated was dubbed Terrigenesis. The mutated humans who resulted were the first Inhumans. 

Due to the success of their experiments, and the Kree built a large instilation under what is now Puerto Rico in which to continue their experiments.

Word of the experiments eventually reached Hala, who sent delegations to all five planets to shut down the experiments. The delegation to earth brought with them a Monolith portal, which they intended to use to exile the Inhumans to a distant planet. However their plans were foiled by Alveus, created to be the leader of the Inhuman army, who lead an uprising, driving the Kree from the Earth.

Rather than being grateful, the Inhumans feared Alveus's power and ambition, and so joined forces to banish him to Maveth. There he eventually took the name Hive, although the Attilanians refer to him as the Unspoken.

The remaining Inhumans soon discovered that the Inhuman gene was heritable, and developed the Kree terrigenesis into a ritual which preserved the supplies of terrigen by converting a small amount of terrigen crystals into a particulate cloud. This ritual quickly came to take on a quasi-religious significance to the Inhumans.

Eventually, human and inhuman conflict grew so widespread that a large contingent of Inhumans left earth for The Moon, where they used Kree teraforming technology to construct Attilan. There they developed a rigid caste structure, based on the percieved quality of an Inhuman's abilities, with those who developed no abilities being considered little more than slaves.

Those inhumans who remained on earth hid their powers in order to blend in with the Human population, although some inhuman only settlements were constructed, such as Afterlife and Orollan.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Inhomo Supremis
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Materials
Home Galaxy
Milky Way
Home System
Notable Individuals