House of Wisdom

The House of Wisdom is the Library of Kamar-Taj, housing the books collected by the Masters of the Mystic Arts over the years.

It is considered to hold the largest collection of magical literature on Earth. The order considers it a sacred duty to preserve these books, and to protect people from their potentially dangerous contents. However, the fact that the Library is closed to non-members of the order is a point of contention with the wider magical community, and has been a major stumbling block in attempts to build alliances with other magic users and magical organisations.

The stated goal of the House of Wisdom is to make the Library the magical equivilent of the Library of Alexandria - i.e. containing copies of every magical text in existence. Due to the fact that many magical tomes are completely unique, this quest has frequently placed them in opposition to other collectors.

During the invasion of the Empirikul, the House of Wisdom became the last stronghold of the Masters, and was used as a home base by the group of surviving Masters who eventually managed to destroy the Eyebots and Witchfinder Wolves.

Contents & Furnishings

De Vermis Mysteriis Book of Cagliostro