New Attilan Security Force

The peacekeeping force of New Attilan.

The Security Force has responsibility both for investigating crimes and for protecting Providence Island, acting as the first line of defense in the event of an attack.

They are headquartered in Nur Station, on the edge of the New Attilan Bazaar. The station is named in honour of Frank McGee, a member of the Security Force who was killed in the line of duty.

The current head of the Security Force is Auran Trestirelle, who was formerly a senior member of the Attilanian royal guard.

The Security Force is answerable to an elected civilian oversight committee, who can conduct investigations into the conduct of officers, including the Head of Island Security, and may bring any officer found to have acted improperly before the New Attilan Parliament to request punishment, dismissal, or criminal charges be levied. Any citizen of New Attilan who has a complaint against an officer has the right to be heard by the oversight committee.

Articles under New Attilan Security Force