New Attilan Parliament

The legislative body of New Attilan.

It consists of 30 elected Representatives, who serve four year terms.

In addition to legislative responsibilities, the Parliament also acts as the judiciary, hearing criminal cases. They also hear any misconduct charges brought against members of the New Attilan Security Force by the Security Force Oversight Committee.


The parliament consists of 30 seats, which are not divided into constituencies. During elections, there are no formal candidates. Votes can instead be cast for any permanent resident of Providence Island who is over the age of 18 and has undergone Terrigenesis.

After votes have been tallied, seats are offered to the 30 people who have garnered the most votes. As no formal candidacy exists, nominees have the right to turn down the seat if they choose, and the seat will then be offered to the person with the 31st number of votes, and so on, until 30 nominees have accepted the responsibility.

After elections, the elected Representatives vote internally to select a Speaker, who acts as the spokesperson and chairs debates.
Founding Date
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Predecessor Organization
Parent Organization
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