Auran Trestirelle

Captain Auran Trestirelle

Auran is an Attilanian Inhuman. She possesses healing abilities.

Prior to the fall of Attilan, she was senior member of the Royal Guard. She sided with Prince Maximus during his coup, and was sent by him to hunt down the members of the House of Agon who had fled to earth. Although she clashed with, and was killed by, the Royal Family several times, she eventually realised Maximus was not acting in the best interest of the citizens, and assisted in the evacuation of Attilian.

Following the establishment of New Attilan, she, along with many other former Royal Guards, became a founding member of the Security Force.

She was partnered with the NuHuman Frank McGee, who taught her to value the rule of law over the rule of the King. When Maximus kidnapped King Blackagar, Auran and her partner were assigned to investigate the disappearance. They succeeded in tracking the King, but McGee was killed in the altercation that followed. Blaming the Royal Family for both the fall of Attilan and the death of her partner, Auran joined the anti-monarchy resistance, and was instrumental in establishing democracy on New Attilan. As a result of this, she was elected as one of the thirty members of the first Parliament, but turned down the position to continue her work with the Security Force.

In 2018, she was appointed Head of Island Security.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Auran has a Healing Factor which can heal her from even fatal wounds. She was able to recover from several apparently-fatal stab wounds almost instantly. She has also survived a close-ranged explosion, having her neck snapped, and even being exposed to Black Bolt's voice. However, Evan Declan warned her that her ability would weaken over time and could eventually fail her.

As a member of the Attilan Royal Guard, Auran was trained in hand to hand combat as well as the use of guns and close-range weapons. She was also able to hold her own against Gorgon, despite the latter's enhanced strength.

Mental characteristics




She recieved the standard Attilanian education, followed by combat training.

Due to her role as Head of Security, the President granted her to right to have languages downloaded directly to her brain by a psychic, rather than having to learn them to traditional way.


Auran is the Head of Security for New Attilan, responsible for investiating crimes, enforcing the law, and defending the island.

Personality Characteristics


As her partner, Frank McGee taught her to view her role as being a servant of the people, rather than a soldier of the crown. She takes this responsibility very seriously, and has come to believe that no one is above the law.


Contacts & Relations

Auran was very close to her former partner Frank McGee. Following his death, she considers it her responsibility to look out for his teenage daughter.

She is respected by the Security Force, and has good friends among the former Royal Guard.

Hobbies & Pets

She keeps pet sugar-gliders.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1982 CE 36 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
Inhuman (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Hawaiian (fluent)

Author's Note

In the comics, Auran is a dramatically different character than the one who appears in the TV show. I have attempted to mesh the two into one coherant whole, bringing in her friendship with Frank McGee and role as part of the New Attilan security force. In the comics, it is her who is killed in order to motivate Frank, but I wanted to avoid fridging a female character, and I felt that her starting as a royalist and gradually coming to distrust the Royals was a more compelling character arc.