
Knowhere is a Galactic Rim settlement located in the severed head of a deceased Celestial.

Although Galactic Law does not recognise any ownership claims, since it is not a planetary body in any traditional sense, it is generally accepted to be the propery of the Tivan Corporation, as they established the first settlements. The primary industry is mining, extracting the valuable bone matter, blood, brain tissue, and spinal fluids from the head.

Due to the Tivan Corporation's lax approach to enforcing Galactic Law, it has become a haven for criminals of all varieties. It is most notorious as a center of the Slave traders, no doubt encouraged by the Collector's kidnapping and imprisonment of sapient species in his private museum.

Due to the lack of taxation, many Intergalactic corporations list their headquarters as being on Knowhere. This is so widespread that the Nova Empire and Kree Empire introduced legislation specifically to prevent corporations who did this from opperating within their controlled systems.

The primary settlement on Knowhere is the town of Exitar, built around the Collection.


According to legend, the Headless Celestial was killed during the battle against Knull, a primordial Elder God, although as the Celestials do no communicate with other races, the truth of this is unknown.

The Elders of the Universe have confirmed that Knowhere already existed before any of them were born, although it was not yet settled.

The first settlements on Knowhere were Tivan Corporation mines. Although the primary industry is still mining, it's location in the Galactic Rim, and the lax approach of the Tivan Corporation to enforcing the Pan-World's Treaties has made it a haven for those seeking to avoid government oversight.

Parent Location
Galactic Rim
Owning Organisations
Tivan Corporation
Alternative Name(s)
Co-ordinates: M3RD 17HI7211+2121224
Included Locations

Articles under Knowhere