
The Shi'ar are an avian species originating from the planet Chandilar.

Basic Information


The Shi'ar are a race of cold-blooded avian humanoids. Most members of the species possess vestigial wings, although "genetic-throwbacks" with functioning wings are not unknown. They have feathers on their heads down to their shoulders. Their faces and the rest of their bodies are featherless.

Genetics and Reproduction

They vivaporous, although their genetic ancestors were oviporous. Artificially concieved hatchlings are common, and mature within artificial eggs.

They have two sexes, and reproduce sexually.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shi'ar are usually incapable of dreaming. As those Shi'ar with functioning wings typically do report dreaming, suggesting that at some point in their past they had the ability, and it was lost over time.

Home Galaxy
Home Planet
Average Height
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pink or purple
Related Organizations
Notable Individuals
Empress Lilandra Neramani