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Building Ships

Those seeking to explore Cobalt Sea and its many islands must first acquire a sea worth vessel to sail upon.  

Dock License

Once an adventurer is ready to own a ship, they can purchase a dock license from Mayor Papadopoulos for 500 gold. Each dock license owned by an adventurer allows them to have one ship in the harbor. As such, multiple dock licenses may be purchased to allow for the owning of multiple ships.
  Once an adventurer owns a dock license they may begin having their ship built by a carpenter.  

Building Ships

A ships construction falls under the building downtime action and ships may only be constructed by those proficient in carpentry tools. As with all building projects, the construction of a ship is completed via multiple builder skill checks, with each successful check increasing the ship's progress towards completion. Though unlike houses, the number of successful checks required and the DC of the construction checks varies between projects.

Project Duration

The number of successful build checks required to complete a ship is determined by the ship type (Cog, Sloop, Caravel, Brigantine, or Galleon). With smaller ships requiring fewer successful checks to build. The number of successful checks required to complete each ship's construction are shown below.
  • Cog[4] - OOOO
  • Sloop[6] - OOOOOO
  • Caravel[9] - OOOOOOOOO
  • Brigantine[12] - OOOOOOOOOOOO
  • Galleon[15] - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Ship Models and Construction Difficulty

The DC of a each ships construction checks isn't always 15 like it is for the other construction projects. Instead, the builder may choose to modify the difficulty of construction at the start of the project to enhance or diminish the final product. This is done by applying a descriptor to the ship, reffered to as the ship's model. Depending on the descriptor chosen the construction DC may increase or decrease and in turn the ship recieves stat alterations. The available descriptors are:


All ships can have a handful of attachments which may be added after construction such as sails, armor plating, and weaponry. Of these attachments only sails are required for a ship's operation. Information on these attachments can be found Here.

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