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VI - Nereus, The Sorrowful Siren

The moon and the sea have always been inexorably linked to one another, the tides coming and going like some sort of eternal dance with the waxing and wanning of the moon. So, it should come as no surprise that the sister goddesses of the moon and the sea were similarly linked in such a fashion, a pair that seemed inseparable. Which made Nyx's exile so much more heartbreaking.   Nereus did her best to play peacemaker between the other gods and her sister, however even she was unable to keep the gods from fighting. When Soliel and the other gods sought to banish Nyx from the material plane, she tried to defend her sister only for her words to fall upon the deaf ears of those who had already steeled themselves to make their decision. She then tried to get the Mistress of the Night to cease her evil machinations in the vain attempt to save her. However, her efforts were futile, her own sister spurned her attempts to help her as she was sent into exile.   The goddess of the sea retreated to the darkest depths of the ocean, to mourn the loss of her sister away from the prying eyes of gods and mortals alike. Her tears turned the seas to saltwater, and she sang a song of sorrow and loss. To this day her haunting melody is echoed by many of the creatures of the sea who feel helpless to ease the goddess’ suffering.   There are two sects within the goddess’ church currently. The Traditionalists, who believe that they should live humble and pious lives, doing their best to avoid disturbing the goddess as she mourns. And the Radicals, who seek to gain the attention of the goddess through their actions, hoping by bringing happiness and joy into the world they so they can rekindle those feelings in their cherished goddess of the sea.   Obviously, the two factions within her faith do not get along with each other. With the Traditionalists typically congregating upon cold, rocky shores and the Radicals preferring calmer, warmer waters.    


She appears as siren, with skin the color of a clear blue sea. Depictions of her often have her sitting upon a rock covered in coral, her face concealed by her long hair the color of seaweed. She wears a shawl that shimmers like the reflection of starlight upon water. Because of her constant state of sorrow, fountains are the most common depiction of the goddess, with the water flowing freely like tears from her face.

Birthsign Feature - Child of the Sea

December 2nd to December 17th   Gain a swim speed equal to half your movement speed., If you already have a swim speed, increase it by 5 ft instead.
Arcana: Lovers VI
Alignment: Neutral Good
Province: Large Bodies of Water, Aquatic Creatures, Sadness
Suggested Domains: Peace, Ocean
Zodiac: December 2nd - December 17th
Symbol: A Conch Shell
  Pantheon of Gods

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