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XXI - Etheria, The All-Mother

Etheria is the All-Mother, from which all the gods were born. She is the night sky that blankets all of creation and holds her children close. A protective mother, when the World Phoenix awakens, she takes her children and withdraws beyond its reach. Only to return once when it slumbers once more.
Very few worship Etheria directly, as she asks little of her followers and offers little in return. Unsurprising, there are few temples or shrines to the All-Mother, though a place is often reserved for her within polytheistic temples.
Like any mother, she doesn’t want to see her children fighting and squabbling. She is patiently optimistic that her wayward daughter Nyx will eventually be able to reconcile with her other children, however she still hasn’t completely come to terms with what the others did to Beldohr.
With his divinity having been stripped, Etheria has been unable to find her son to comfort him. She hopes that there might be some clue as to his whereabouts located within his tower. For this reason, she looks favorably upon adventurers who choose to climb the tower, sometimes bestowing her blessing upon those brave, bold, or clever enough to uncover its secrets.


The All-Mother appears to be a pale skinned woman with dark hair and eyes. Seeming to be middle-aged, her beauty has yet to have faded with age. She wears a hooded cloak made of the night sky, the twinkling stars of each of her children illuminating her shroud.

Birthsign Feature - Mystery Seeker

April 28th to May 14th   Gain Inspiration anytime you uncover a noteworthy secret about or within the Tower of Ascension.
Arcana: World XXI
Alignment: Neutral
Province: Creation
Suggested Domains: None
Zodiac: April 28th - May 14th
Symbol: The Night Sky

  Pantheon of Gods

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