Kohr Skuntsson Grongg Ivadi


Motivated by his Devotion to Grongg, Kohr is a hard man who cares mostly for vengeance on those who have wronged his people. A pious Ivadi of Grongg, he believes in strength, and only respects the strong. The weak he sees as not worth noticing. He has taken an active role in Brobdsa and many of the folk of the town respect him. Some worry that he might be a bit rash, and lead them into battles against the Tvarg, but others see a leader. He is so pious for Grongg that he forsakes all other deities, a monotheist who wishes to stamp out all other beliefs, as such he doesn't sit quite right with many people. But in the harsh land of Matva, people recognize the power he has from the Gods.   It is public and very open knowledge that he does not like that Queen Hatsjullei Brobdingnagian married Dronsjo for Dronsjo is not a member of the faith, being a follower of the Old Arc rather than the Gods. Other people may hold their dislikes in private, but Kohr is blatant about it. He would only support an heir from King Nybbol Vei Brobdingnagian's line, who he went into battle with into Bloodstone Pass.  





Folk Magic

  • Warrior: Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Coordination, Fanaticism, Firearrow, Fireblade, Find, Protection, Vigour
  • Merchant: Alarm, Appraise, Calculate, Cleanse, Find, Glamour, Lock, Translate, Voice
  • Sailor: Bladesharp, Deflect, Dry, Extinguish, Find, Pierce, Repair, Vigour, Warmth
  • Crafter: Appraise, Bladesharp, Calculate, Coordination, Find, Ironhand, Pierce, Polish, Repair


  • Berserk
  • Reflection
  • True Weapon


  • Call Winds
  • Cloud Call
  • Clear Skies
  • Thunderclap


  • Excommunicate (Golden only; Acquires when unifies Matva)
  • Consecrate
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ivadi of Grongg
Date of Birth
Jan 16th, 1028
Year of Birth
1028 38 Years old

Character Portrait image: by AI


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