Act I – The Warship That Fell From the Sky Plot in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

Act I – The Warship That Fell From the Sky

The Space Fleet ship TCSV Odysseus crashes on the planet Calypso, after everyone aboard died without apparent cause of death. One marine emerges from a cloning pod aboard the ship, basically a newborn with no memories and sets out towards the nearest town, Tethys Town to try to contact his superiors.

On Calypso’s moon, Ogygia a single escape pod from TCSV Odysseus lands with two boys who got out before everyone else died. The two young men, Midshipman Paolo Garcia and Private First Class Gabriel Trent, set out for Ogygia Base only to find everyone there have died the same way as the Odysseus crew.

In Tethys Town the new marine makes friends with the mysterious tavern owner Hieronymous Barker.

On Ogygia, Paolo devices a scheme to get him and Trent to Ogygia, even though they don’t have access to any ship capable of escape velocity.

Plot points/Scenes

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Plot type


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