Austria Organization in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Austria has been occupied for centuries. Since Neolithic times there has been constant settlements here. Many of them has been due to arable land in the lowlands where the Danube flows through. Celts were next, then Romans then the Germanic peoples came.   The northern part is hilly and with the odd mountain, and has the southern end of the Bohemian Massif (Bohemian Forest) growing there. It is rumoured to have Wood Elves living in its boundaries but never truly been verified. It also has rumours of ancient Celtic tribes still living there, and beastmen but these seem to be local legends.   The middle and east of Austria is lowlands with the Danube and smaller rivers running through it making the land perfect for farming.   Both are not as spectacular as the Alps that dominate the southern part of the land known for its mining at lower levels. Many metal ores, and stone is mined and quarried here for use both locally or exported. Many Dwarves, and a few Gnomes are found here with a large human workforce, making up mine camps and towns. Legend has it that there are cave scattered about with strange markings and disappearances here and there. The mountains are regularly snow capped and has glaciers in some of the higher valleys.   The eastern lowlands suffer constant attacks by the Avars & Slavs trying to make headway through the less rugged terrain in their quest for more prosperous lands.


One of the furthest parts of the Frankish kingdoms it is controlled by a Jarl out of the city of Wien. They answer directly to King Charlemagne. Noble classes exist that answer directly to the Jarl.


The country is run as a part of the Frankish Empire, by a Jarl (Adalolf Bautosson). They view themselves as part of this empire and percieve themselves as being superior to their neighbours: the Saxons to the north, and the Slavs & Avar to the east.


The city of Wien to the east of the country is heavily defended, with a keep, and a cathedral. Militia and light & medium infantry, and cavalry & skirmishers make up the rest spread throughout. Swords, axes, spears & javelins, bows & crossbows make up the majority of weapons. Light to medium armour is abundant, along with chainmail, and leather & metal helmets used by many soldiers. The country is rick in natural resources including magnesite, iron, lignite, anhydrous gypsum, lead, zinc and antimony. These are mined throughout the country. Natural oil and gas is found in small amounts in the West, and the town of Saltsburg has salt mines around it.  Wood is cut for lumber in the north where the southern part of the Bohemian Massif (Bohemian Forest) grows. Farming is a major source of food, leather, wool and grains in the lowlands.


Continuously inhabited, there were originally Neolithic farming communities, before the Halstatt Celts then the La Tene. These were in due course followed by the Romans and then Germanic tribes. The latter was originally the Barovii, before being took over and absorbed by the Franks.
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Noricum & Carnuntum
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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