The Lair of the Purple Worm

Cultists have took over an old manor in northern Europe. It sits on top of a well that is rumoured to contain a purple worm. They make sacrifices regularly by throwing virgin girls into the well to appease the worm.   The manor is a standing building but needs extensive repair to it, and all furniture has either fallen apart or close to it. The cultists live with this, and they are slowly repairing some for use. Also, they have fires going regularly to keep heat & light going in the building. There are dilapidated stables as well that are maintained enough to house horses, and the odd wagon. The cultists maintain a number of small pastures and fields around the manor, keeping livestock and growing fruits & vegetables. They usually sell on many of the livestock and other produce to make money. Sometimes they stud horses too for extra money. Some of the produce they use to feed themselves and/or guests.   What usually happens here is the cultists will put up travellers for the night, and any virgin girls are kidnapped while her fellow travellers / family are killed quietly and disposed of (usually buried under the crop fields. Any clothing, equipment, or valuables are sold on the black market, or kept if they can be used. The virgin girl is usually sacrificed on a night divisible by three. The idea is is that by doing so brings wealth to the cultists, and improves their land.   The well is under the manor and in a large enough room for a purple worm to move in. It is a massive cavern and seems to have formed from water damaging the rock here for centuries.
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