Winds of Change

The team get a visit from Count de Ath, and changes are blowing in the wind.

Plot points/Scenes

The team are around the town when Count de Ath & his entourage arrive. He has some general news and benefits for the team & town that can affect them all in the long run. He calls a council meeting and starts to get down to business and the team have to attend. All get a shock during the meeting.   Grimmaz has been given a seat on the Crown Court that he can use any time he wants which must be used at least 3 times a year, and is tasked with pushing into Saxon lands as the Franks are slowly winning. They just need to push it a bit more. Also, his rank of lordship is fully brought up to the rank of Duke. He may need to go to Aachen & the Court to fully finalise it with Charlemagne himself. he is given a Ring of Defence that increases his AC by +1.   Reolus has the brewery fully paid off by the Crown, and can use Eschbach's & The Crown's markings on any drinks he produces. Also, he is fully recognised by the Crown as a full citizen. Also he is given a stipend of 100 gold a year for expenses. He is given a parcel of land in or around Eschbach measuring one square mile for his own use where he can build his own building. Reolus is given a Ring of Shadow that gives him Advantage for Sneak checks, or a +1 bonus to it.   Anselma is given a parcel of land of the same size, and can do the same and can use it for her people as well. Both her and her husband are recognized as full citizens, and the same stipend of 100 gold too. Anselma is given a Ring of Strength, when worn increases any Strength rolls or bonuses a +1.   Both the latter are marked as Housecarls under Grimmaz.   If Eleia is present, she gets the 100 gold stipend, marked as a full citizen, and marked as treasurer for Eschbach. She is given a Ring of Animal Control that gives her a +1 to Animal Handling.   If Nine is present, they get the 100 gold stipend, marked as a full citizen, and marked as a book keeper & librarian for Eschbach. They are given a Grimoire or Remembering allowing them to cast 1 extra Level 1 spell per day at base level.   They are all able to use the Motte-and-Bailey as it has been recently finished. There all records & treasure can be stored. Also, Grimmaz will use it as his court, while the Council is to split their time between both it & the town hall.   All work is now classed as finished in town.   With Owle & Jessie, they can be given old buildings to use as their own homes, and have free reign (following local laws of course), of the town.   Owle may need to take up some type of profession, and Jessie can be called upon by the court for magical knowledge.   A small treasure chest is brought to the Motte & Bailey and contains 500 gold.   A feast will be held and Grimmaz & Reolus will be targets of assassination plots. They all have to take a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be effects of the Poisoned rules. Turns out there's two assassins, an undead assassin and a Bladed Pouch assassin. Former for Grimmaz and latter for Reolus. Both are targetted to try to remove them and both assassins are wearing disguises & illusions. If found can be easily killed and the illusions fade.


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