Keleres Headquarters Building / Landmark in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Keleres Headquarters

Most of the Keleres operate from their base beneath the ruins of the ancient Imperial Intelligence headquarters on Mecatol Rex. The facility has enough space for thousands of agents and their support staff, though the actual number of inhabitants fluctuates from month to month. Many of the Keleres live within the facility. Although no regulations stop them from procuring their own lodging within Mecatol City, the only agents who can afford to do so are rather obviously on the take.

Thus, most of the Keleres both live and work together. Some have lived in the headquarters long enough that they are beginning to make it feel almost homelike. One of the most ambitious projects is a half-wild garden space installed in one of the larger disused vaults by Galeena the Sustainer, a former field agent and current quartermaster of the organization. The Titan uses their contacts among the traders to obtain plant life from scores of different worlds, turning their garden into a beautiful battleground between hundreds of species and their hybrid offspring.

The facility also has a commissary able to produce the wide variety of foodstuffs needed to feed dozens of different species, as well as several ad hoc entertainment venues created by offduty Keleres. The floating Aces game started by Marc Hostlan of Jord is one of the most infamous, especially regarding the sizes the pot can sometimes reach.

Military base / complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by mroceannn