From Dust and Ash Plot in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

From Dust and Ash

Cohort Theta-2, simply known as Theta-2 or Theta, is formed from nine new recruits. They don't have much in the way of resources and they don't have much beyond their basic kit. But they want clear of desk duty. And actionable intel is the first step to a good collar.



Actionable Intel

Theta-2 is languishing on desk duty. Intel comes in, Alerts go out. No action. Boredom rules the day. It seems that the Tribunii are keeping Theta-2 out of commission for petty reasons. A good collar is all Tribunii Leeds says Theta needs to get off of this assignment...

Knock, Knock.

Then, suddenly, there's a pattern in the intel. A criminal might have slipped past the security of the planet and landed on Mecatol Rex. They might be in the city. Research and pattern recognition predict the point they could be taken into custody.

Free Guy

Theta-2 takes their days off together and does a "team-building exercise" - they're gonna catch that criminal. And they wear their uniforms into the lower levels of the city, stick out like sore thumbs and cause an incident. Or they don't, they go in under cover and are spotted out, but either way the perp rabbits. Everything that can go wrong will in this scene, just to build tension.

Ash and Dust

Into the Sea of Dust. The Perp runs into the wasteland. For all that went down in the lower city, if Theta-2 doesn't bring them in, their deskwork assignment will never end. Time to hunt a criminal through the bowels of an irradiated hellscape on foot.

A Good Collar

Theta-2 returns victorious. The thief is in custody, and the battered Keleres are granted fieldwork duty only grudgingly. Their first Assignment, a routine Interrogation of the smuggler.


The Great Crystalline Oscillator

A Relic is revealed. The Key to a lost Lazax Vault. It's just a rumor, but Tribunii Leeds wants it run down. The characters need to Interrogate the smuggler's Winnu contact.

Out in the Dark

Cohort Theta-2 gets a ship! And are sent out to find the Key. Travel & Archive Investigation to retrace the flight of the ship it was on. Find last Port of Call. Travel.

Cover image: by mroceannn


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