Crimson Citadel Building / Landmark in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Crimson Citadel

Secluded Stronghold of the Red Mantis

The Crimson Citadel is the hidden base of operations of the Red Mantis Assassins. Exactly how it is kept secret is unknown, but potent arcane magic is probably involved. Its physical location is presumably somewhere outside Tressaxorva.  


The central Citadel itself is a massive building with upwards of fifty floors, stretching far above and below ground, with four distinct sections, detailed below. In addition to this, it also doubles as a small city of sorts for the Red Mantis, and to this end, the Citadel is adjoined by numerous lodgings, armouries, and training grounds.  


The lower levels, the Ruvari, or the Ruby Halls, are inhabited by the Red Mantis' professional trap-makers, poisoners, and instructors. This is where new recruits undergo grueling training, and its crimson-stained walls and floors are purportedly caused by the sheer amount of blood that has been spilt in the Ruvari over the years. Some sarcastically speculate that this is rather a symptom of the Red Mantis not including janitorial duties in its curriculum.  


The middle section is known as Sivlamlik, meaning the Honey Gardens, and it boasts one of the most expansive joint brothels/drug dens/inns/restaurants in the known world. Staffed by summoned servants, this is the foremost gathering spot for Red Mantis Assassins between contracts.  


The Odalis, the Lavish Heart, is the upper section reserved for the Vernai and the Blood Mistress where they make their home. Every Red Mistress has an entire floor to themselves, and the Blood Mistress likely has several floors by virtue of leadership.  


Hidden somewhere in the Crimson Citadel and accessible only to the Blood Mistress, the Faynas, or Iron Heart, is the clandestine sanctum of the entire organisation. The nigh-mythical Sarzari Libraries are believed to be located inside the Faynas; these are one of the most complete collections of ancient knowledge in the known world. Or so it is claimed.  


The wider complex is surrounded by enchanted walls and illusory magic; the core building is filled with deadly traps, horrific guardian beasts, and even extraplanar beings that have been bound there. This is compounded by the constant presence of a large number of Red Mantis Assassins.
Founding Date
1400 AM
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location