Serjazir Geographic Location in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Serjazir is an island located in the Bay of Skulls south of the Alliance and west of the Trazon. A former stronghold of a Cihuacoatl of the Yuan-Ti, it was settled by exiles and sinister adventurers after the Serpentine Hierarchy collapsed and its citizens retreated to the mainland. Nowadays it is notable for being the home of the Red Mantis Assassins, who viciously fight to erase Serjazir from all recorded maps.   The architecture of the island was mostly preserved. Since most of the early arrivals came from the feudal kingdoms of the Continent, a hybridised architectural style has taken root on Serjazir, sporting the grand magnificence of the old Yuan-Ti combined with the urban planning and relatively small abodes and accomodations that are common in Scaelor and Aeryon. Only the Crimson Citadel deviates from this, and the secret headquarters of the Red Mantis is assumed to be built in a manner reminiscent of the religious structures of the Church of the Mantis God.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hidden Island
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization