Bureau of Curious Cases Organization in The Two Continents | World Anvil

Bureau of Curious Cases

The Bureau of Curious Cases is an organization opperating out of Bluestone Manor that specializes in the investigation of fantastical, abnormal, and paranormal cases. Run by the Ardennian family for the last thirty years. The organization is currently headed by Deirdre Ardennian and employs several members including her children, and other specialists in a number of fields.   The organization was started as a ghost hunting agency in 645 AGB by Nora Ardennian and her husband Shaun O'Malley Ardennian. Using Shaun's unique ability to connect to the spirit world, the two became well known around a number of counties for their exploits. They began to investigate more than just hauntings, and expanded the organization into a greater field.   After Shaun passed in 670 Nora Ardennain passed the organization down to her daughter, Deirdre Ardennian, who had already been the lead investigator of the Bureau. She runs the organization to this day. The organization has become well known for their investigations into anything unknown.   The Bureau currently has a six member team, captained by Deirdre's son, Connor Ardennian but has been looking to expand.


  • Wadiswaken County
    Hilly region that's home to Eerie Creek and the Bluestone Manor.
Civil Services


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