Orville Grundwall Character in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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Orville Grundwall


Professor Orville Grundwall is one of the most famous and highly regarded figures in all of Gredion. Originally hailing from Loxford, Orville, choosing to impose self exile apon himself, set out and charted what would eventually become the Kingdom of Circadia, and became the founder and ruler of Ravensgarde. Orville Grundwall eventually vacated his position as ruler, striking out to the east and founding Castle Grundwall, once a large palace for himself and various friends and compatriots, now a unique city sized castle city, which is essentially all one structure.   Orville Grundwall is know for a vast swath of things, predominantley his contributions to science, medicine, politics and the arts. Orville is an author, professor, musician, artist, explorer, philanthropist, potterer, blacksmith, engineer, architect, sculptor, captian, strategist. Orville enjoys gambling, fine tobacco, and fencing.
Founded Settlements


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