Circadia Geographic Location in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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Circadia is the name given to the 'Dual Isles of Eternal Autumn' by the Grand Magician Orville Grundwall, after his self exile from Loxford  due to his desire to live in solitude, away from the technological advancements of the realm. These isles are in a perpetual state of the autumn season for most of the year until winter, giving the isles it's signature beauty and drawing many people from around the world to settle it.


The land of the Circadia is split into 2 sibling isles that co-exist within very close proximity to one another, and share many of the same geolocial features. Most of the isles are covered in the temperate forest, known as the The Twilight Forest.

Localized Phenomena

Eternal Autumn The Dual isles of Eternal Autumn are as their name would suggest, constantly experiencing the season of Autumn all year round, except for the few brief months in Winter. This frozen-in-time effect that permeates the realm of Circadia is what gives the isles it's timeless beauty and charm, bathing most of the landscape in lovely golden, red, and auburn hues, almost all the time. The climate of this region, even during the summer months is particularly cool and chilly, that being that it is the autumn season. Daylight hours in particular are more limited than they are when looking at other regions of Gredion, and even in summer, thes sun typically sets much earlier in the evening than anywhere else, allowing for the isle's to experience an extended time of twilight and dusk, adding to the views of romance and mystique surrounding them.


Most of the year, with the exception of winter months, the Isle's are subjected to a cool and chill climate. With cool winds sweeping down from the 3 King Mountains to the West, carrying with them precipitation collected from the nearby seas as well as the The Dreary Slough, The Isles see a healthy amount of rainfall most of the year, as well as snowfall in the winter months. While there is no obvious sign of  'Spring' or 'Summer' in the Isles, they are observed in local customs and used to express times of year. During the springs months, there is significantly more rainfall with weather ultimately being colder coming off of Winter's grasp, and in summer, temperatures warm up ever so slightly, seeing less rainfall during this season. The 'autumn' season is as one might expect from a land named after it, and includes elements of all previous seasons, boasting high winds bringing rains and colder temperatures.When the winter season engulfs the land, the leaves on the trees do in fact all fall, and the trees subsequently lay barren as rain makesway to large amounts of snow, and much colder temperatures, at times reaching below zero!

Fauna & Flora

Seeing as how most of the Isles share the covering of the illustrious The Twilight Forest, the trees of Circadia are one of its most prominent features. Shagbark Hickory, Sumac, Tulip Poplar, and Quilted Maple are all trees that can found in Circadia, but Trees such as the Circadian Oak and Twilight Birch are only found within the isles.
The Auburn isles is home to many species of animals.


After a long journey of through the first isle of eternal autumn, Orville reached the 'Cliffs of the Raven' as the large raven, known as, *** had directed Orville here, and told him that this is where he nests. The view from the cliffs, with the beauty of Lunar forest behind him, and the lapping waves of the sorrow sea below, was enough to strike an awe into the heart of Orville, and he established his camp here and remained for many days. After spending time here for almost a month, with the Raven, and listening to the Ravens histories and tales of the land, Orville there decided that he could not keep this domain of beauty only for himself, and in recognizeing the wisdom and purity of the Raven that so guided him here, resolved to protect this land. The only way
Alternative Name(s)
Dual Isles of Eternal Autumn, The Auburn Isles,
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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