Ravensgarde Settlement in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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Ravensgarde (Ray-vens Gaard)

Ravensgarde is the Capital city of Circadia, The Dual Isles of Eternal Autumn. Founded by Orville Grundwall, )))))), and Graxth, Ravensgarde is ruled over by The Autumnal Conclave, who are dedicated to preserving the natural essence and beauty of the isle and its inhabitants, as well as keep a strong watch over the dead that sometimes wander from the Darkview Gravelands.


As the largest city in Circadia, as well as being located on a port on the Brother Isles southern tip, the city of Ravensgarde is host to much tourism throughout the year.


The architecture of Ravensgarde is perhaps some of the more distinct and iconic of all the land, as many of the orginial settlers hailed from Loxford and surrounding towns, there is a regal and distinct elegance to the structures, however with influences from the native Dusk Elves, is that of a more natural and majestic beauty in their woodworking accents, using wood of dark purple to subtley accent the rigid human buildindsadjnasdf.
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