King Character in The Union | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Incredibly healthy. Though Dante dropped a building on his head he doesn't have a single scar. His Nano Armor makes him inhumanly sturdy and strong.

Body Features

Looks about fifty years younger than he is, again due to the nano armor. A trait he shares with Archer.

Facial Features

Sculpted face, lightly boney and high cheekbones. Wears glasses, though his eye sight is perfect.

Identifying Characteristics

Silver glasses and well dressed.

Physical quirks

Grooming his suit whenever anything happeneds that could shift it.

Special abilities

He is very charismatic to a terrifying degree. If he can't convince you to join his cause willingly he will threaten or kill your family. Thousands followed him willingly, thinking he'd consider the citizens more than the military did and give them someone they trusted in leadership. But a lot of them simply had no other choice.

Apparel & Accessories

Suit and tie. Glasses. Mostly black, but the shirt is purple.

Specialized Equipment

Cane sword? Yes or no? Probably not, he never fights on his own, though it might make for an interesting twist if at the very end when he's 'on his second health bar' he pulls out a sword, but I don't know I want him to have a cane.

Mental characteristics


Well educated. Had an expensive education and was trained to be a leader from a young age by his father from whom he inherited several businesses.


Business owner. He inherited several busnesses from his father and was actively maintaining them before his supposed death.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Almsot managed to take over the military capital Central City before the age of fourty. At the very least he managed to single handedly raise an army that matched the might of the military itself.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was humiliated by his defeat at the hands of a fifteen-year-old new recruit and swore vengeance. Nowadays he's lost the plot a bit and is more interested in remedying this failure then his original dream of political power.

Mental Trauma

Was taught from a young age that he deserved the world at his feet, yet when he tried to take that birthright his family turned their back on him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Incredibly intelligent. He is a brilliant military strategist but also practical enough to know when pure chaos is the best option.

Personality Characteristics


Believes he's owed power and aims to take it. But when he tried his family turned on him and Dante defeated him. He blames Dante for both since if he'd have succeded they probably would have stood by him and now his motivation is as much to torment and kill Dante as it is to claim the power he so dersevers. Maybe even more.



Archenemy (Vital)

Towards Dante




Archenemy (Important)

Towards King




King has more respect for Dante then probably anyone he's ever met, and he isn't afraid to show it. He does hate him, but he values the respect more than the hate.   Dante just hates King. Pure and Simple.

Nicknames & Petnames

King uses Pop for Dante A well-known title for someone who lied about their age to get into the military. Loki sometimes gets called this too.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The both have parallel backstories.

Shared Secrets

King knows full well Dante regrets 'killing' him, which was part of the reason he faked his death. Since he couldn't kill him he'd haunt him forever. Is one of the few people who know exactly why Dante retired.

Shared Acquaintances

Loki, though Loki doesn't know it.

Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy since birth. His father owned several over sea companies and he inherited all of them improving them himself quite a bit.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Faking his death.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
442 88 Years old
Central City
collar length, brown black, heavily styled.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth and unblemished, sand colored
380 Nano armor adds about two hundred pounds
Autotheism. Believes that Humans are the highest power there is.
Known Languages
Most of the major languages.
Tropes:   Affably Evil All According to Plan: his 'death' Bad Boss: To some, those who join him willingly he pretends to care about to keep their loyalty. Baddie Flattery: has a degree of respect for Dante that he can't deny. Bad Samaritan: To much of his army. Because I'm Good at it Card-Carrying Villain The Cartel: While in the previous war he was able to amass an army through sheer charisma and threats he's trying to work in the shadows now to not let on he's alive. Forcing him to use criminals and dealers for his manpower. Along with the few loyal soldiers he could find that managed to stay out of jail. The Chessmaster Complete Monster The Conqueror: controlled several cities before trying to take over Central City. They were relatively small and far away so no one thought to worry about them. (May have recruited their actual leaders rather than controlled them manually. The Corrupter: He fully intends to kill Dante, but wants to see him dispair first. Also what he did to Loki applies. Create Your Own Villain: Not technically applical, but he and Dante both see it this way. He didn't get violent until he was completely humilated by a fifteen year old. Despotism Justifies the Means: Is happy to burn villages to the ground and kill thousands to get what he wants.  Destroy the Villain's Weapon: part of his goal. To stop Loki they'll have to kill Loki, an innocent and a friend. Diabolical Mastermind: He doesn't own cities, he owns people who own cities. Disproportionate Retribution: Dante beat him in Central City, slightly embarrassing him and he's killed thousand in revenge. The Dreaded: Amoung anyone who fights for hire. Mercinaries hired by him don't get to leave his service alive. Equal-Opportunity Evil Even Evil Has Standards: Archer sees him this way. He'll kill and burn everything around him, but at least his victims all end up dead. This is wrong. Evil cannot comprehend Good Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon Faux Affably Evil

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