Dante Character in The Union | World Anvil
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A seasoned veteran who teeters the line between hope and bitterness.   He was born in DC to a strict workaholic father and his mother died early enough he hardly remembers her. He doesn't knowingly cling to those memories as he doesn't believe in focusing on the past and instead working for a better future. Either way, he never had hobbies or vacations growing up. Tutored to the point that he qualified as a genius though he considered himself strictly average.   Frustrated with his father and wanting to do some good in the world rather than just inheriting a cookie-cutter, soul-crushing big business he ran away from home at 15 just a few days before his early graduation, lied about his age, and joined the military.   King attacked DC only a few weeks later.   The battle went on for a month until he learned of the location of the hideout of King himself. He tried to inform his superior officer, and those above him, trying to rally them into doing something about it but was ignored and even threatened. He was a new recruit and young on top of that.   So he took care of it himself.   Not entirely in the way he'd have preferred at the time, he wanted to raid the place, take prisoners, and win the battle all at once. Maybe even draw the leader out. But on his own none of that was possible. What was possible to do enough damage to force a retreat after he managed to confront and nearly kill King himself.   Most of his superior officers were furious as he'd been ordered to stay with his troop and they'd been planning an assault that would have caused the long-term effects he'd been after that his actions had ruined. But the generals were impressed and only saw the smaller picture and heralded him as a hero. The public joined in and he was promoted when he should have been punished.   Dante continued to fight, impressing most he served with with his supposed genius. Which he still contributed to being a fast learner and a workaholic.   A few years after his recruitment, when his troop was stationed at home he learned central cities officers and law enforcement were being distracted from the war effort by a rowdy young man, Archer. However, there were no casualties or property damage he started looking into himself because this criminal had managed to avoid actually hurting anyone in spite of regularly getting involved in police chases, street racing and other incredibly dangerous things.   And Dante needed a driver.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very healthy for his age. Still works out.

Identifying Characteristics

Scar on the side of his face.

Apparel & Accessories

Very casual. Usualy jeans and a collared sweater.

Specialized Equipment

Special gun that does nonlethal damage using nanites.

Mental characteristics


Was expencively educated until fifteen years old when he dropped out of school.


In the military his entire life. Never had a different job. He has been offered a position in politics as a leader of the country but turned it down.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Is considered a hero in the War of Freedom After he killed King and ended the war almost singlehandedly. Had a rank of the military made specifically for him since he refused to take the top position of Central Leader.

Failures & Embarrassments

He actually considered his primary defeat of King to be a failure. The war could have been prevented with a more organized end to the primary conflict and even worse he turned the tyrant into a personal arch-enemy. This led to King going out of his way to get back at him, usually resulting in even more death and ruined lives.   Severely regrets joining the military at such a young age, though not so much dropping out and running way.

Mental Trauma

Has some severe PTSD from the War of Freedom mostly due to the fact that King was very much out to get him specifically. He has learned to live with it and it is no longer debilitating.

Morality & Philosophy

Pasifism and his belief that permanent peace is obtainable even if he completely failed to achieve it.


Killing and severe violence.

Personality Characteristics


Peace. He desperatly wants to believe true permanent peace is obtainable, but has grown bitter as all his attempts have failed, even made things worse. Now he's tetering between striving for peace and trying to atone for his mistakes.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Brilliant and a quick study. He can learn almost anything in a matter of days, sometimes hours.    However, he's very closed-minded and stubborn. Right and wrong is set in stone and there is no changing either one.   He's also terrible with technology, using it or understanding it.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: learning, study, books, libraries, exercise.   Dislikes: violence, being wrong, being bad at anything, lectures, schooling

Virtues & Personality perks

Determined to do some good in the world, and is a great teacher.

Vices & Personality flaws

Argumentative and will stop listening the moment he disagrees. Also, his PTSD still flairs up when triggered though he's mostly learned to avoid triggers.


Contacts & Relations

Is the technical owner of a large multi-milion dollar company, but has no actual involment in it's running.

Family Ties

None, all his family is dead.

Religious Views

Atheist, he refuses to believe in a higher power because he wants to believe people are good enough on their own to save the world.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a cat. Her name is Annie.



Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Dante




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Archer



Relationship Reasoning

True companions

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The military and a distaste for death.

Shared Secrets

Archer is the only one who knows the real reason Dante chose to retire. Dante is the only one who knows Archer blames himself completely for the pile-up he caused.


Boss (Important)

Towards Jean d'Aubigné



Jean d'Aubigné

Hero (Vital)

Towards Dante




They've only just met.

Relationship Reasoning

Dante is Jean's boss and hero.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have dealt with trauma in the past, resulting in severe PTSD. They're both geniuses.

Shared Secrets

Dante discovers some of Jean's secrets and chooses to not rat him out. While Jean knows things about Dante that Dante has never told anyone.

Shared Acquaintances

Archer, and other military employees.

Legal Status



Archenemy (Vital)

Towards Dante




Archenemy (Important)

Towards King




King has more respect for Dante then probably anyone he's ever met, and he isn't afraid to show it. He does hate him, but he values the respect more than the hate.   Dante just hates King. Pure and Simple.

Nicknames & Petnames

King uses Pop for Dante A well-known title for someone who lied about their age to get into the military. Loki sometimes gets called this too.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The both have parallel backstories.

Shared Secrets

King knows full well Dante regrets 'killing' him, which was part of the reason he faked his death. Since he couldn't kill him he'd haunt him forever. Is one of the few people who know exactly why Dante retired.

Shared Acquaintances

Loki, though Loki doesn't know it.

Lawful Good
Current Status
Retired, kind of.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
469 61 Years old
Current Residence
Sandy brown and short. Not styled with any intention.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, small visable scars. And one large one just in front of his left ear from temple to cheek.
Aligned Organization

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