Within the Army, and even with the Corps, the organisation of the Solent Rifles is thought of as odd, and quite frankly, unnatural. This is because the Rifles have no platoon commanders who are Lieutenants, only Colour Sergeants. This decision was made by Colonel Macgregor, due to experience of inexperienced Lieutenants leaning heavily on their platoon sergeants. With this in mind, he decided to remove the Lieutenants from platoon command and give it to the ER-7s, the Colour Sergeants. However, as always, currently, there is a flaw with this approach when applied to the Rifles due to the fact that only a third of the 90 Colour Sergeants have any previous combat experience, including Colour Sergeant Darren Warne.
Below is found biographies of 9 Colour Sergeants taken from across all 3 Battalions.