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To sleep is to dream

At A Glance

Though the Gods don't need sleep and generally don't understand what it is, Energy was the first to slow down enough to try it and grew rather fond of it as a way to regain some mental balance. He discovered that Gods can, in fact, dream, and he used his as a starting point for his whimsical planets. His "system" isn't so much a system as astute observations of the Universe around him applied to Soulbound, and his actual power level isn't much to write home about, but he was so instrumental in true Soulbound longevity that it earned him a place in the Gods' inner circle, anyway.  


The Gods have no idea what Energy actually looks like anymore due to his extensive use of illusion and magic to maintain a humanoid shape. Most of them suspect he's non-humanoid given his lack of sheer power that the elder siblings boast, but like many of the Gods, he's susceptible to vanity. That said, he's quick to push the envelope of what "humanoid" entails. He's small and lithe, exuding a certain air of fragility, and his lower body is always concealed in thick charcoal-black clouds that gather around his hips. His angled eyes are a dreamy swirl of pastels, and black, shifting patterns like ink in water ripple across his alabaster skin. Black, swept back hair with a white stripe down one side and draping silver jewelry completes his chosen look. Don't let it be said that he couldn't be picked out in a crowd.  


Energy is a bit of an eccentric wallflower, with a penchant for wild ideas that always seemed to work out better than they should. He stays well away from participating in sibling arguments, fully aware that Death only comes to him for his sharp and objective mind and calm demeanor instead of any particular power and is unwilling to upset that by being a pain in the ass. That said, it's not uncommon to find him skirting the edges of fights to learn things about the other Gods that they don't even know about themselves. He knows better than to mediate; he's not Nature, after all.  

Major Events

Age of the Eldest

If Energy is being honest with himself, he doesn't really remember much from this time, and his dreams are unreliable at best. He knows he was loved, as they all were, but the only Eldest he can recall with any clarity is his creator, from whom Energy inherited his love of wandering the Universe to see what could be seen and know what could be known.  

After the Call

Energy was more quietly devastated by the abandonment than a good portion of his siblings and leaped to be busy with something other than crushing longing when Death put forth the Soulbound idea. Though he was never a deft hand with soul creation and his planets were held up with a lot of cleverly manipulated magic rather than any particular natural environmental balance, his Soulbound still managed to be some of the longest-lived of any of his siblings.  

The Light Lock Incident

As one of the frailer Gods, he was kept well away from the bulk of the fighting by those who were better suited for it. Binding Entropy with the Light Lock scarred all the Gods in irreversible ways, but Energy was so quick to bounce back that the others wonder if he ever felt anything at all about it. They don't know about his dreams.  

Astute Observations

Following the Light Lock battle and wrestling the Deepdark under the influence of the Timeline, Death began to search in earnest for ways to extend the life cycles of Soulbound across the board to ease the load of soul creation. It didn't take him long to find Energy in one of the smaller magic veins fiddling with life forces, and Energy was quick to offer what he'd discovered since the Call. First, he put forth the practice of sleeping as a "recharging" activity that kept their life energies flickering longer. It was so effective that Death made it a requirement for all Soulbound vessels to have some sort of rest period. Thought was gone from the Universe by this point, so Energy was the one to dig into Thought's self-awareness system and add dreaming as an option for Soulbound, and many Gods were quite happy to link dreams to magic and the Timeline to make them more than drifting ideas in sleeping minds. Energy likes to believe that Thought would've approved of the addition.   Less popular was when Energy also floated the idea of consumption of other living things to recharge life energy, a concept pulled directly from Entropy and the others knew it. However, it proved even more effective than the rest period, so amidst uproar, Death required that, too. It was this contentious addition that really earned Energy's place as one of Death's more reliable siblings, and Death has been known to use Energy as a sounding board for particularly irritating problems that don't seem to have any solutions at all, let alone elegant ones. Energy proves time and again that his cleverness and objectivity make him worth his weight in stardust.  



Energy lives a lonely life given his thorough success in ostracizing himself from his siblings with the capitalization of consumption as a concept for the Soulbound. He doesn't think it really bothers him, though, and so spends his days with only the company of his eldest brother to disrupt the quiet productivity of wrangling planets into self-sufficiency. Truthfully, the commotion that Death always brings with him is more than enough excitement for the insular God.

Further Reading

Character | May 23, 2022

The ties that bind

Character | May 27, 2022

Sick and tired of it

The Gods
Species | May 27, 2022

The bridges built and abandoned


Energy's greatest asset is his ability to take his broad expanse of knowledge and connect the dots in clever ways to achieve his goals. When he's not tweaking his planets, he can be found wandering the Universe to learn more to add to his sharp mental library.

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