
Shith, which is the Nonik version of the Hamusu word Youf which was first coined to refer to this species, are a sapient species related to the Azou but bearing a superficial resemblance to the K'vut. Shith is a word not spoken in Nonik, among the Azou or others, as this species is refered to as Kuseloiv, the Greatly Cursed.

Forced to live in the Western Temperate Forest, they speak both Nonǐk and Hamusu and have developed no language of their own.

Basic Information


The Youfi are a subspecies of Azou that separated from the three ethnicities during the Grey Winter. Physically, the Youfi are smaller than the Azou, hairless, and tailless. The Youfi's eyes maintain their large almond shape, but their skin takes on a pale tone. In most ways the Youfi resemble Kvut.

Genetics and Reproduction

Youfi are capable of breeding only with each other.

Growth Rate & Stages

Youfi seem to age slower than the Azou, reaching the age of physical independence at 4 years old. Youfi then mature at the same rate, reaching physical maturity at the same time. The full extent of their lifespan is yet to be seen.

Ecology and Habitats

Youfi once lived across the Vanå, born to mothers of the Azou. Azou have since exiled and driven the Youfi into the western reaches of the Vanå.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Youfi have lowlight vision and incredible perception and situational awareness.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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