Azou (ah-zow)

The Azou are the People. Up until their first contact with the Vahobu explorers (I Know, right? What a contradiction!) The Azou believed they were the only tribes left. The fought amongst each other centuries ago, but have broken into smaller family-groups now, each choosing it's own thoidh (tree trunk in Nonǐk) where they craft their home.

Basic Information


Physically, they are tall, nearly twice the size of the Vahobu, whom they call Pa'azou or the little people. They are lean and lanky with more quick-twitch muscles lending them increased agility and very little bulk. They are innately curious and nearly fearless, though prone to anger. Their nearest species that they are related to is the mundane ancestor of the Grass Cat. Their hairs, which cover their body, tend toward various colorations and range the gamut from earth-tones, to extremely bright colors emerging in some bloodlines.

The Azou have a single head bearing two large almond shaped eyes; a flat, broad nose with two nostrils in their leathery rhinarium covers only the cartiledge tip of the nose; An Azou's mouth is broad, and filled with small, sharp teeth meant for tearing apart meat; finally, all Azou have faces covered with downy, barely visible hair, and most have naturally-occuring patterns in their downy coats. The Azou sport tails and have the necessary supporting musculature and nerve system to have these tails be a prehensile appendage.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Azou fornicate to reproduce and often have several children at once.  Their copulation period is annual for females, and lasts roughly one lunar month.  Males in that time tend to try to impregnate nearby females and jealously guard "their" females against other males.

Growth Rate & Stages

Azou grow rapidly but reach the age of physical independence at around 2 years.  After that the Azou grow for around twenty years, roughly one-tenth of their lifespan.  By age 22 a Zou is fully grown and mentally independent.

Ecology and Habitats

Azou live in the Vanå, the great forest just south of the Brokenridge Mesa.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Azou are carnivorous, and have only in the last century added some vegetables to their diet. Most of what they eat is river-fish and small game.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Azou have an incredible sense of smell, eyes adapted to low-light conditions, and a wide hearing range.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by


Starting Abilities

    • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
    • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
    • Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities

Special Abilities

  • Claws: Retractable Brawl Weapon
  • Swiftfooted: Azou can take a second maneuver to move without suffering Strain. They are still limited to two maneuvers in a turn.
  • The Azou add 1 rank in the Athletics and Coordination skills.


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