Hakuna Settlement in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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Hakuna is the primary city on Paphadis and is controlled by Pleasure Inkorporated. The city inhabits a cleared out section of the sprawling jungle and boasts several features. The design is incredibly intentional within the walls, however there are several ramshackle tent camps outside of the walls of settlers and natural born residents not under Pleasure Inkorporated governance.



The Starport is in the center bottom of the city near the outer wall to allow easy access to the primary tourist facilities without having to interact with the residential areas unintentionally.  

Pleasure District

From the center of the city around to both sides of the starport, the pleasure district features facilities for a vast host of comforts. Fine dining, intoxication, massages, spas, lodging, brothels, theater, "pits of pleasure" (drug dens), and more surround incoming tourists as far as the eyes can see.  

Residential District

All workers and residents live in the upper portion of the city in the vast Residential District. It contains both homes as well as multiple sections dedicated to city operations, management, and resource production (with multiple internal food plots to compliment the food transported from the other outposts across the continent.


Anything Your Heart Desires Neo Greco-Roman Aesthetic
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