Twin Offing

Content Warning: infanticide, veiled sexual assault, and extreme bigotry.

When the truth is inconvenient those with power hope their lies bring comfort.

Twins in the history of the Veil have had a bad reputation beginning with Dawn and Dusk the twin sons of Aeon who war and argue constantly, especially after Aeon's death. However, there has never been a more pervasive rumor about twins than the one about Changelings and their supposed improprieties. Due to this, a barbaric tradition was commonplace even for the most noble noble.


The Church was successful in using its influence to disseminate an insidious rumor about Changelings in their ongoing campaign to get rid of them. According to them Changelings are monsters and will sleep with your wife and impregnate her to repopulate and take over. Due to this, for centuries anytime a woman would give birth to twins, they would take a gamble and kill one of the twins in hopes of killing the doppelganger. This was acceptable and would bear no legal consequences, however, there was hardly any proof of this being of actual concern. It did bring a sick comfort to those families who participated but not all families participated. The families that refused to observe this tradition typically became outcasts and were shunned from society. Some of these families lived in fear that their whole family would be murdered if they were caught unaware.

It was not until the secularization of the Kingdom of Luorra that this practice was mostly stamped out. The bigotry and fear of Changelings is still quite pervasive making the Kingdom an unsafe place for any Changeling. The Church still holds onto this lie but does not force people to kill their newborns upon birth...instead if one of the children upon puberty exhibits signs of being a Changeling it is then that the parents are to hand over the child to the Church to do with as they will.


It's not a secret that Changelings can only procreate when taking on a male form however any procreation is typically consensual like any other sexual relationship. It was quite common during the 1st era for Humans, Vampires, and Changelings to intermingle and form many different types of relationships. Mixed families were not met with disgust or ill will, this is how more Changelings were born and even how Damphir came to be. It was not until the Curse of Garou that the reception of Changelings changed and the early Church took hold of this tragic event and began using it to their gain.

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Cover image: The Veil Banner by Miles Powell


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Aug 20, 2024 04:30 by Deleyna Marr

Eeek. Very dark!
