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Amalee (Am- All -LEE)

Amalee, the revered Goddess of the Home and Hearth, embodies warmth, protection, and the essence of domestic tranquility. She is a central figure in many households, offering her blessings to ensure the safety and comfort of homes. As the wife of Edarr, the formidable God of Storms, Amalee stands in stark contrast to his tempestuous nature, providing a nurturing counterbalance. Legends say that Edarr once halted a raging storm just to behold her beauty, highlighting her profound influence even over the mighty storm god.   Story:   Amalee's origins are deeply entwined with the everyday lives of mortals. She is often depicted as a gentle and loving figure, whose presence brings peace and safety to the home. According to myth, Amalee was once a mortal woman whose beauty and grace captivated Edarr. Her transformation into a goddess came about as Edarr, smitten by her, used his divine power to elevate her to godhood, thus granting her immortality and dominion over the hearth.   Amalee is also known for her protective qualities. She is said to shield homes from malevolent spirits and wandering evils that traverse the Veil, ensuring that the sanctity of the household remains inviolate. Effigies of Amalee, often small and crafted with care, are placed near the hearth, where families gather to invoke her blessings and protection.   Prayer:   "Where bread is broken, where the welcome is warm, we know your might. O goddess. Gracious Amalee, gentle-hearted one, the soul of the home, I call to you. In times of old, dear goddess, all first offerings were yours, so great was your might, so great your import, so great the need for your blessing."   Legacy:   Amalee, the Goddess of Home and Hearth, is celebrated for her warmth, protection, and nurturing spirit. Revered by those who pray to her effigies left at hearths, she offers blessings and safeguards homes from evil spirits. Her divine presence ensures that the hearth remains a sanctuary of comfort and safety.   Her legacy is intertwined with her union with Edarr, the God of Storms, symbolizing the balance between nurturing warmth and fierce nature. Their partnership highlights the harmony of contrasting elements and reinforces the importance of balance within the household.   The Day of the Great Fire is a significant holiday dedicated to Amalee, involving storm watching, ceremonial hearth lighting, offerings, dancing, and communal feasts. These traditions honor her benevolence and renew the protections she grants, ensuring her legacy of warmth and protection endures for generations.

Divine Domains

Middle Sanctuary

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Hearth Fire   The hearth fire is the primary symbol of Amalee, representing the warmth, protection, and life-sustaining qualities she embodies. This symbol is commonly found in homes, often near the hearth, as a reminder of her presence and blessings  

Tenets of Faith

The Hearth Shall Be Kept Warm: Maintaining the hearth fire symbolizes the continual presence of Amalee and the warmth and protection she provides. It is a sacred duty to ensure that the hearth remains a place of comfort and safety.   You Shall Be Welcoming to All in Need of Shelter: Amalee's followers are expected to extend her warmth and protection to those in need. Offering shelter and hospitality to strangers and those in need is a key tenet of her faith, reflecting her nurturing and protective nature.


The Day of the Great Fire is the most significant holiday dedicated to Amalee, celebrated during the coldest months of the year. This festival involves various communal activities designed to honor the goddess and renew the protections she grants. One of the traditions, storm watching, involves communities gathering to witness the power of storms, recognizing the balance between Amalee's nurturing warmth and Edarr's fierce storms. This practice reminds followers of the harmony between the two deities, emphasizing the coexistence of their contrasting powers.   At the heart of the celebration is the ceremonial hearth lighting. Families gather to ignite a central hearth fire, symbolizing the renewal of Amalee's protection over their homes for the coming year. This act is accompanied by offerings and dancing, where herbs and small crafted items are offered to the fire. These offerings are believed to carry prayers and thanks to Amalee. As people dance around the fire, they celebrate the warmth and protection she provides, sharing stories and songs that praise her benevolence and strengthen communal bonds.   The day concludes with a grand communal feast, where communities come together to share food and stories. This feast reinforces the bonds of family and friendship under Amalee's watchful care. Hearty, comforting dishes are prepared, symbolizing the strength and unity that Amalee fosters in the home. Through these activities, The Day of the Great Fire becomes a profound celebration of Amalee's blessings, bringing warmth and protection to all who honor her.
Long and Red like hearth fire coals
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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