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Cassian Hawkins

Cassian Hawkins (a.k.a. The Gift)

Beneath the looming presence of Skyreach Tower, the young man named Cassian Hawkins lived in the shadow of his legacy. Tall with shaggy blonde hair and piercing green eyes, Cassian was a striking figure. From a young age, he was keenly aware of the whispers and stares that trailed his every move. Born from the magic of Gale Orion Stormbreaker, an enigmatic wizard who left his mother, Lt. Col. Agatha Fisty, heartbroken and alone at the altar, Cassian bore the weight of a legacy filled with love turned to sorrow.   Cassian chose his name, inspired by the books in the vast library of Skyreach Tower. This self-naming was a declaration of his independence and a step towards forging his own identity amidst the heavy expectations surrounding him.   Only recently did Cassian learn of his mother's true identity and the circumstances of his birth. The revelation that his mother was the esteemed Lt. Col. Agatha Fisty added another layer of complexity to his already intricate heritage. This newfound knowledge deepened his resolve to honor both his parents, despite the pain and heartache that marked their past.   To escape the burden of his past, Cassian threw himself into the study of magic with a single-minded determination that bordered on obsession. He spent countless hours under the tutelage of the wizards at Skyreach Tower, poring over ancient tomes and perfecting the art of the arcane. The tower's vast library, filled with knowledge and secrets of the magical world, became his sanctuary. Through his discipline and dedication, Cassian sought to prove to himself and the world that he was worthy of the magic that ran through his veins.   But Cassian's true strength lay in his mastery of magic and his unwavering dedication to those he loved. When danger threatened Heartwick, Cassian was always the first to stand against it, his courage unyielding and his resolve unshakeable. His fierce loyalty set him apart from others, a trait that shone as brightly as the magic that pulsed within him.   Despite the shadows of his past and the heavy legacy of his father, Cassian carved out his own path. His presence in Heartwick became a beacon of hope and strength. He was not just Gale's son; he was Cassian Hawkins, a name that carried the promise of protection and the power of magic. Through his actions, he honored both his mother and the town that had become his home, proving that he was more than the circumstances of his birth. He was a force to be reckoned with, a protector of Heartwick, and a prodigy of Skyreach Tower.


Gale Stormbreaker


Towards Cassian Hawkins


Cassian Hawkins


Towards Gale Stormbreaker


Current Status
Current Location
Current Residence
Skyreach Tower
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Many Gods


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