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Gale Stormbreaker

Master Gale Orion Strombreaker (a.k.a. Mayo Claw)

In 1782, the wandering magician known as Gale Stormbreaker descended from the sky near the fledgling village of Heartwick. Strikingly handsome for a wizard of his age, Gale founded Skyreach Tower as a sanctuary and learning hub for magic users drawn to the mysteries of the arcane arts. His arrival marked the beginning of a renaissance in magical study and experimentation in the region, attracting scholars, adventurers, and aspiring mages from far and wide.   Gale's presence in Heartwick quickly established him as one of the most prolific mages of the realm. With his mysterious origins, he became a guardian of the town, known for keeping Heartwick safe from most harm and aiding the town in all its needs. His contributions to the safety and prosperity of Heartwick were manifold, earning him the unwavering trust and respect of its inhabitants.   However, Gale's life is shrouded in mystery, particularly the lost years when he left on a quest to defeat a Thunderhog that had been stalking the mountains near Uzrash. Upon his return, Gale was noticeably different, with an unusual obsession and affinity for mayonnaise—a quirk that many believe to be the result of a curse from his unknown adversaries. Despite this eccentricity, his prowess as a wizard remained undiminished.   Throughout his life, Gale played a pivotal role in numerous legendary quests and battles. He was instrumental in assisting the Lost Wayfarers in their quest for the dragon heart, a journey that culminated in the eradication of the great Calamity. His sage counsel and formidable magical skills were invaluable, making him a key figure in the realm's history.   Gale's personal life adds another layer to his enigmatic persona. He has a son named Cassian Hawkins, born out of magic after Gale left his fiancée, Agatha Fisty, at the altar. Cassian's birth involved magic not seen in the world before, adding to the mystique surrounding Gale's capabilities and decisions. This event left an indelible mark on both Gale's life and the magical community, further enhancing his legend.   Beyond his public feats, Gale's inner thoughts and motivations remain a topic of intrigue. He is known to spend long hours in Skyreach Tower, immersed in his studies and experiments. Whispers among the townsfolk speculate about the secrets he guards and the reasons behind his obsessive behavior. Despite his reclusive tendencies, his dedication to Heartwick and its people is unwavering.   Gale's striking appearance, combined with his enigmatic personality, has made him a subject of fascination and admiration. His contributions to Heartwick's safety and prosperity are celebrated, but it is his mysterious aura that truly captivates the imagination of those who encounter him.   As Heartwick continues to flourish, the legend of Gale Stormbreaker endures, a testament to the enduring allure of mystery and magic. Visitors to the town often find themselves drawn to Skyreach Tower, hoping to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic wizard and perhaps uncover a fragment of the secrets that define his extraordinary life.


Gale Stormbreaker


Towards Cassian Hawkins


Cassian Hawkins


Towards Gale Stormbreaker


Gale Stormbreaker

Ex Fiance

Towards Lieutenant Colonel Agatha Fisty


Lieutenant Colonel Agatha Fisty

Ex Fiance

Towards Gale Stormbreaker


Current Status
Studying in Skyreach Tower
Current Location
Current Residence
Skyreach Tower
Grey green
White silver streaked grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grand Divinty of Magnon


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