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The Golden Eye Ravens

By Tanner   With the needs of the many outweighing the actions of heroes thrown around the lands. From a Birds Eye view the lands seem chaotic, not one town being the same as the last. But each town has its own oddities. One such is the Golden Eyes ravens. Made of unknown heroes and known heroes, enviable patisseries, and lovable small creatures both furry and sunny in nature. If a job is to be done and people take up the heroes torch, be sure to look for a Raven in your horizons. The Golden Eyes search for the needs of the many.   The guild hall itself is a marvel of architecture and magic. Welcoming and warm to all who seek its aid. Be it a hungry belly, or an ache in the heart. With rooms for the weary upstairs and an expansive banquet-styled main room, filled with round tables and stools galore, a hearth bringing the warmth of the sun with it. A luscious reading corner with their signature Golden Eyed Raven. A precious pet who brings comfort to those in great need.   The banquet hall, is equipped with mouth-watering displays of marvelous made pastries, though all of them seem to be themed, peculiarly. Despite their looks, the flavors are To Die for. Others have said Divine but then the pastry turned to Ash. Strange.   In its basement, a great workshop takes shape. With its craftsman of renown toiling away at any free hour, the anxious few can get some white noise from the late night Tink Tink Tink of metal on metal.   And last but not least the gardens, a small path at the back of the guild hall perfect for quiet and calm contemplation for the rakish brains who seek aid.   With its building gilded, its members of honorable actions, and its name being lifted to the wind. It’s no wonder the Raven soars so high.

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