Common Language in The Void | World Anvil
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The common tongue is the primary language of the Aesalian Empire. Emerging from Aesalia the common tongue was spread by the ancient Merchant Traders Guild which ran the ancient currency system of gold, silver and copper coins. With magical communication means and their significant economic influence the guild ensured the spreading of a standardised langauge to great success all over the planet. This standardisation was further embeded with the rise of the Aesalian Empire which initiated several campaigns to reduce inconsistencies between regional variations of the language.    In modern times any speaker of common can converse with another and understand one another. Variations take form in both accents where stresses are on different parts of words ocasionally causing mild difficulties in communication or slang terminology which is significantly varied across the region. Imperial efforts to discourage the development of slang, or where widespread standardise it into common parlance, are largely ineffective with much slang having evolved into the Cree language of the void.
Successor Languages

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