Emperor Ahmad Rodorian Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Emperor Ahmad Rodorian

Emperor Ahmad Philip Xu Rodorian, The Learned

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the 7th Age Emperor Ahmad was raised amongst the mercenatile community learning the nuances of the imperial economy, the functions of the guilds, powers of the state and all other elements of the soft economic power of the Empire. Though a quiet observer Ahmad was noted for his keen skills of perception and retention earning him great favour amongst his tutors.   An unexpected candidate for Emperor he was appointed following the designated heir's failure to earn the support of the Council of Thirteen due to the allegations surounding his involvement in his predescesors death. Ahmad was considered a safe candidate whose knowledge would be able to guide the Empire, which now sat at the cusp of instability, to a peaceful future.   Inheriting the Empire with rising disparity of wealth, skills, property and work opportunities paried with wildly fluctating inflation and the emergence of nationalist sentiments among several devolved assemblies Ahmad had no time to ease into the roll. Issuing his first proclomation just twenty days after his appointment Ahmad absorbed the Imperial Central Bank into the state, and not guild, aparatus percieving it as a vehicle with which he could then begin a new economic order.   Over the following sixty year reign Ahmad would introduce a new structure of universal basic income, rotational training, currency and welfare provision with the national health service of the state also receiving a major overhaul to bring it in line with modern demands. Though initially at odds with the guilds Ahmad earned their favour by enshrining their power through the formation of the Confederation of Guilds to oversee their interactions and role within the wider economy. Particuarly favourable was the restoration of the national bank beneath this new confederation.   His most notable achievements were those of the scientific community under his reign however. Unleashed to pursue their wildest desires in hopes it might provide new economic solutions to the growing problems of the state breakthroughs in cybernetics, robotics, AI and most importantly intersolar travel and colonisation commenced the 8th Age of Aesalian history. The construction of a base on Aesalia's moon Elu would define a transformation where the Emperor's economic reforms would allow Aesalia to breakthrough into a new age of science.   Eventually Ahmad would die amongst his family passing the imperial crown to Emperor Gaius Rodorian VII a pod born child of his cousin that had already begun to explore the reacher of space. On the cusp of his death the Emperor was said to tell his successor "I have but breathed air to our Empire, it is up to you to give her heart cause to beat."
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
7th Watcher
Date of Death
9th Watcher
35 63 98 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Genetically Curated Pod Birth
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
He / Him

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