Emperor of the Aesalian Empire Rank/Title in The Void | World Anvil
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Emperor of the Aesalian Empire

The Emperor is the leader of the Aesalian Empire possessing significant power and influence including the right to veto any legislation put before them and bypass the legislative chambers if they have debated a law for over two years. They may also disolve the legislative bodies and delcare a state of emergency when the empire is at a point of crisis though this power has never been exercised.


Though starting earlier as an unoficial practice the title of Emperor has been implemented through appointment since the 7th Age. Shortly after ascension an Emperor names a chosen heir matching what they believe are the future needs of the Empire. The criteria for this are loosley defined with each Emperor focussing on what they consider to be valuable traits though they must be of the Imperial House of Rodorian which is by law defined as the siblings, and desendents of the current sitting emperor and their siblings. Usually this includes an age of less than forty so a long reign may come, a doctoral education or equivelent in experience and some notable feats that earn them significant merit or respect in their field.    Upon being selected a chosen heir will recieve additional training and education in addition to various tests to consider their suitability. An Emperor may however change their chosen heir at any moment without reason. As such several prospective candidates are often kept in circulation in the event of the Emperors death.   Once the Emperor dies the Council of Thirteen gather to debate the ascension to the throne considering first the chosen heir of the Emperor before any alternative recomendations. The council consider the state of the galaxy, the worthiness and skillset of the heir and appoint a new ruler from the Imperial House of Rodorian.
Royalty, Honorific / Ceremonial
Form of Address
Imperial Majesty
Source of Authority
Legacy and Popular Sovereignty
Length of Term

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