Emperor Gaius Rodorian VII Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Emperor Gaius Rodorian VII

Emperor Gaius Luther Esteban Murtazah Rodorian, The Great

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The First Emperor born into the 8th Age Gaius Rodorian was raised amongst Imperial Guard recieving training in strategy, warfare and various combat styles from across the Imperium throughout his youth. Simulations of historical conflicts and theoretical future engagements were regular occurances with young Gaius often designing his own battles to test hte limits of his abilities. Such acclaim surounded his skill that it became practice among the upper eschelons of the Imperial Armed Forces to submit their own proposed conflicts to see how the imperial candidate might endure.    With spaceflight growing in size Gaius opted to take his first command at the age of eighteen over a prototype intersolar warship named the Ashendale. Eager to explore the stars the young Gaius routinely pushed the warship to its limits mapping out regions of the Alpen Belt and surveying land on Corenthis that would eventually go on to be settled by the colony near a century later.   His adventurous antics earned him great praise across the empire becoming a hero to many future homesteaders who dreamed of settling the stars. Fame that would pave the way to his ascension to Emperor following the death of his predescesor Emperor Ahmad Rodorian in the year 8E-063.    The reign of Emperor Gaius Rodorian was one of military restructuring and mass expansion of the Aesalian Empire into a system spanning state. He oversaw the mapping and settlement of Datris alongside the development of the colony ships that would take the settlers to their new home. In his later life he would also resolve tensions with the Imperial Tathamite Church with the authorisation of the settlement of Tovanron though this would prove to be a far more controversial decision.   His most notable reforms however concerned the Imperial Armed Forces where he modernised them to match the new challenges and realities of a spacefaring age. The Imperial Guard began training in differing gravity environment, replacing old weaponry with new equipment designed to meet the challenges and new dangers of battle both on other planets and vessels travelling across space. They were also allowed to absorb all naval and aerial matters within the orbit of a planet to allow them to effectively wage ground warfare without the need for regular intercommunciaiton with the other branches.   The Imperial Navy saw the greatest transformation with its maritime duties being entirely replaced by those concerning the void of space. All military activity beyond the orbit of a planet fell within their purview and the navy was tasked with both the design, maintenance and training of a spacefaring fleet to defend the interests of the empire. Though initially a shock the recruitment surge towards the new intersolar fleet led to major technological breakthroughts including the creation of military corvettes, destroyers, crusiers and dreadnaughts as well as the Dosterich Engine itself.    Ultimately the Emperor would not die in his beloved space but in the city of Bakala in Koanga. During Empire Day a special visit to the island continent intended to supress whispers of seperatism from the planetary government, saw an attack by the Golden Hand upon the aged Emperor. Though lacking his former health and dexterity he managed to evade four assassins before a suicide bomber killed him in an alleyway ending one of the most influential and revered imperial tenures in Aesalian history.


Emperor Gaius failed to marry during his reign prefering to take concubines for indefinate and often overlapping periods. Often from aristocratic, scientific or other leading academic and military circles his lovers were known to influence spheres of policy pertaining to their interests but often found themselves losing favour when they overstepped. Official records recall some thirty-seven concubines though biographers have anticipated the real number could be as high as two hundred over his reign.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
15th Tatham
Date of Death
11th Typh
42 137 95 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Genetically Curated Pod Birth
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by Golden Hand
Place of Death
He / Him

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