Richard Khan Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Richard Khan

Station Manager Richard Harvinder Khan

A Review of Several Voi'yar Message Boards  
  • Khan is largely attributed as among the worst villains of the 8th Age
  • Evidence the Empire and Guild doesn't care about the Voi'yar
  • Belief that it was only revealed because it was already out in the open

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rising through the ranks of the Confederation of Guilds as a bureacrat, Khan was named the Station Manager of Kesper Station following its initial construction. Though initially thriving in the role competing demands of station management and increased resource production led to his overseeing of the infamous Empire Day Massacre.   Following the massacre Khan was reassigned to Aesalia where he managed a trade depot hoping to be forgotten by history. The rise of discontent and end of the coverup by Empress Isabel Rodorian II would see him tried before court however leading to his execution in 8E-141.
Date of Birth
7th Marvos
84 141 57 years old
Circumstances of Death
Execution by Firing Squad
Place of Death
He / Him
Aligned Organization

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